Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Mayor Tom 'Now 15.4%' ChoiLankey - watch out for that 'revealed preference' going on here!

Well, I recognize that this is the silly season here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison and we get bombarded with all those candidate statements, ads and glossy campaign flyers with all the reasons why we should vote for this candidate or that candidate.

To that point, just saw this piece here in TapintoEdison - 'Mayor Tom Lankey Keeps Edison Moving Forward' and it's worthy of repeating his words here:

Statement: I am seeking a second term as Mayor of Edison to continue my efforts – with the Township Council’s help – to make Edison the best community in New Jersey for people to live, raise a family and work; and to be an enjoyable, safe and affordable place for our senior citizens.
I am a lifelong Edison resident whose family’s roots are proudly and deeply intertwined in the fabric of my community. This fuels my commitment to Edison’s well-being; to its economic health and financial stability; and to sensible future growth. I wish to continue helping Edison to make progress.
Sustained forward momentum involves a herculean menu of tasks, considering our large and growing population, our broad ethnic and cultural diversity, and the variety of services that Town Hall provides to over 102,000 residents.
My Administration will continue investing in our infrastructure, resurfacing more neighborhood streets, revitalizing our parks and upgrading our sewer system. We will continue improving our Police and Fire Departments, and devote more resources to our Public Works Department so each can better provide effective services.
These investments are an integral part of my Administration’s economic development strategy which, since 2014, have made Edison an attractive destination for larger corporate and commercial investors, and have encouraged new small businesses and professional offices to open here.
Our strategies have, so far, created over 3,500 new, higher-paying job opportunities. We have lowered Edison’s unemployment rate to 2.8-percent, from a high of 6.7-percent four years ago. Property values have risen to a total of $7.1 billion – up by $110 million since 2014.
New large and small businesses now contribute $17.2 million more in annual property taxes to Edison, helping to fund municipal services and provide relief to residential taxpayers. Edison is Middlesex County’s largest municipality, but our average total tax bill is sixth lowest among its county’s 25 towns. I hope to build upon my Administration’s proud record of accomplishment.
Now, I'm all for politicians putting the facts in a light most favorable to themselves but geez, Señor Lankey spins stuff so much - he makes himself dizzy. You know, there's something economists call revealed preference. They believe what people do more than what they say; that people's actions are the best indication of what they actually want, not their words.

And remember, campaigns are about winning but elections are about governing.
So, you decide if Mayor Tom 'Now 15.4% ChoiLankey's words are more important than his actions. Just a little history - here's what he had to say in his first campaign for mayor back in 2013:
Anyhoo, what do I know? I still can't figure out where they got their definition of $tabilized taxes!?! Gotta get me a copy of that dictionary so I can learn to speak in blah..blah..blah-eze!

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