Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Wow! Now I'm 'The Edison troll factory' - bet you didn't know that about me?!?

Well, this is what happens when you ask simple questions of Edison Board President Jerry 'Needs to Step-down' Shi about what's going on over there on Mythomania Lane.

You go from being a 'Disgusting human being' to 'You are the Edison troll factory. Lol'

Now, I recognize that he has a unique style of communicating with the public but it's just Not Nice to be name-calling.

Name-calling isn't a sign of strength in arguing any position taken but rather, a demonstration of weakness - and arguably, Mr. Shi seems to be about as weak a School Board President as we have ever had here in Downtown Edison.

Unfortunately, I don't engage in Name-calling so I don''t return the favor when it happens. All it does is make me want to pay closer attention to what goes on over there on Mythomania Lane and ask a lot more questions.

Anyhoo, I'm starting to think Mr. Shi doesn't like me! Oh..poor me.

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