Thursday, September 13, 2018

Look what was added to the Edison Council Agenda last night

Well, they had an addition to the agenda last night. Surprise..surprise.

Here's an article in Edison Patch about last night's meeting.

Resolution R.504-092018:
Resolution requesting the Office of the Attorney General for the State of New Jersey to investigate certain election events in the Township of Edison.

Here it is:

As I understand it, they also amended this to add exposing the identity(ies).

Anyhoo, better late than never.

Here's last night's meeting. While I appreciate all the speeches in support by the council and their token effort here with this resolution - after watching it, maybe I'm wrong but sure looks like to me that's about all your gonna get from them.

Let's hope there's another way to get to the bottom of this blemish on the town without relying on them.

Geez, put out a press release a year later?!?

You know, this is a sad state of affairs for someone like me who has lived in this town (pretty much) his whole life.

So, I suggest to you that if this goes unresolved through November's election by our local elected officials, who play on this field, then I say to you that Mayor Tom 'Now 17.1%' ChoiLankey and his 'Band of 7 Processing Clerks' and Jerry 'Needs to Step-down' Shi and the Board of Mythomania are the wrong elected officials for this town - and you should open your eyes and see it.


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