When will you realize that the Local Dem-Party control over this town here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison is So Not in Your Best Interests.
If these 6 simple pics don't tell you what's Wrong win this One-party rule here in Edison and make you want to vomit in your own mouth, then Congratulations - you're a Dem-party Groupie!
Keep voting the Dem-party line and ignoring the people they put on the ticket. They've done so much to help you in return for your vote.
Here's my Scary Halloween Pics:
Anyhoo, with 6 days left until the election - good to know that our Local Leaders here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison Still Let the Stench Linger over Edison from Last Year's Election.
But I guess stuff like this is more important. Hey, I'm all for millennials, my granddaughter is one, but I always thought it meant those who reached adulthood in the 21st century. Seems he hasn't and what's with everything he does labeled with his Instagram & FaceBook pages? It shouldn't be about him but about the People he supposedly represents. Here's a thought Sam 'Millennial Councilman' Joshi - Stop with the Self-Promotion and Start looking out for those you Supposedly represent and you can start with answering about those fliers from last year's election.
And Mayor Lankey - what were you thinking? What are you 12 years-old?
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Enough is Enough with these taxes here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison!
Mayor Tom 'Now 17.1% but Won't Debate' ChoiLankey and his Band of 7 Processing clerks need to take a deep breath and get serious with these outrageous tax increases after tax increases. They ought to pay attention to what they're doing with all that tax money they've already taken from us every year instead of asking us to pay for their $pending inefficiencies.
Besides, the County has been consistently and outrageously taxing us for Open Space already. Since 2003, they have increased the County Open Space tax by a Whopping 70.7%!
Kind of tired of constantly paying for the Lack of Checks and Balances in this one-party town.
What you say, it's only a few bucks! Yeah, it is so let them take it from the money they already got from us.
Why would You Tax Yourself (in Perpetuity no less) to pay for the inadequate and inefficient stewardship of this town by this all Dem-party rule over there at 100 Oligarchy Boulevard?
Here's what has happened to You in this town just over the last 5 years:
..and You Shouldn't naively go along with some more by Taxing Yourself?!?
Anyhoo, don't be foolish by letting them trick you into Taxing Yourself to pay for their shortcomings in managing or, more appropriately, mismanaging the needs of the town over there at 100 Oligarchy Boulevard.
Besides, the County has been consistently and outrageously taxing us for Open Space already. Since 2003, they have increased the County Open Space tax by a Whopping 70.7%!
Kind of tired of constantly paying for the Lack of Checks and Balances in this one-party town.
What you say, it's only a few bucks! Yeah, it is so let them take it from the money they already got from us.
Why would You Tax Yourself (in Perpetuity no less) to pay for the inadequate and inefficient stewardship of this town by this all Dem-party rule over there at 100 Oligarchy Boulevard?
Here's what has happened to You in this town just over the last 5 years:
..and You Shouldn't naively go along with some more by Taxing Yourself?!?
Anyhoo, don't be foolish by letting them trick you into Taxing Yourself to pay for their shortcomings in managing or, more appropriately, mismanaging the needs of the town over there at 100 Oligarchy Boulevard.
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Edison 1-Cent Open Space Tax on Nov. 6th Ballot - Seriously, Vote NO! Don't Self-Tax in an already Overtaxed Town!
Slipped that right in without any fanfare, $neaky bunch, aren't they! And this one doesn't even look like it has an expiration date - for Local DemBadLand-Perpetuity, I guess?!?
A Repeat of the August 31, 2018 Post to Refresh Your Memory:
Don't be fooled into Self-Taxing Yourselves here in Downtown Edison - AGAIN!
Well, saw this piece here about resurrecting the famous or should I say, infamous 1-Cent Open Space Tax here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison. Seems it's going to a ballot question in this November's election.
That 15-year 1-Cent piece-of-work tax mercifully ended in 2013. You can ask Charlie 'I Abstain' Tomaro, aka Deputy dog all about that 1-Cent Open Space Tax.
Oh no..it's deja vu all over again:
Let's face it, the Local Dems don't exactly have a great history of $pending your tax dollars - from $5.6 million spent for some dirt and a mud puddle, aka Oak Tree Pond to the 1-Cent Open Space Tax that expired in 2013.
And then there's the possibility of condemning property again using eminent domain. Kind of ironic don't you think? You're voluntarily taxing yourself so they can possibly use the money to condemn your property!?!
Anyone seriously thinking about self-taxing themselves with another Open Space Tax to support the Local Dems frivolous spending, well - deserves what they get. Just look at what they did with all that money they got by leveraging out that first 15 year Open Space Tax. Don't know, ask Señor Russomanno, he'll tell you what a great job they did with Your Tax money back then.
Seriously now, haven't we had enough of tax increases here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison - year after year, after year, after year?!?
Here's just the last 5-Years (and this doesn't even include the Sewer Taxes):
Anyhoo, don't be foolish - it's one-thing to be continuously taxed to the hilt here by the governing bodies but it's quite another to let them trick you into taxing Yourselves.
A Repeat of the August 31, 2018 Post to Refresh Your Memory:
Don't be fooled into Self-Taxing Yourselves here in Downtown Edison - AGAIN!
Well, saw this piece here about resurrecting the famous or should I say, infamous 1-Cent Open Space Tax here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison. Seems it's going to a ballot question in this November's election.
That 15-year 1-Cent piece-of-work tax mercifully ended in 2013. You can ask Charlie 'I Abstain' Tomaro, aka Deputy dog all about that 1-Cent Open Space Tax.
Oh no..it's deja vu all over again:
Let's face it, the Local Dems don't exactly have a great history of $pending your tax dollars - from $5.6 million spent for some dirt and a mud puddle, aka Oak Tree Pond to the 1-Cent Open Space Tax that expired in 2013.
And then there's the possibility of condemning property again using eminent domain. Kind of ironic don't you think? You're voluntarily taxing yourself so they can possibly use the money to condemn your property!?!
Anyone seriously thinking about self-taxing themselves with another Open Space Tax to support the Local Dems frivolous spending, well - deserves what they get. Just look at what they did with all that money they got by leveraging out that first 15 year Open Space Tax. Don't know, ask Señor Russomanno, he'll tell you what a great job they did with Your Tax money back then.
Seriously now, haven't we had enough of tax increases here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison - year after year, after year, after year?!?
Here's just the last 5-Years (and this doesn't even include the Sewer Taxes):
Anyhoo, don't be foolish - it's one-thing to be continuously taxed to the hilt here by the governing bodies but it's quite another to let them trick you into taxing Yourselves.
Friday, October 19, 2018
Uh..Oh Senor Mayor Lankey
Hey Tom - nice picture of you with this year's Lankey Team for the Edison Board of Education. Just curious but is all that blue clothing thing going on a subliminal Local Dem Party thingie or just a random coincidence?
Anyway, just a suggestion but the next time you see Jerry 'Needs to Step-down' Shi, you might want to remind him he is President of the Current Board and it's probably not a good idea to criticize himself and the rest of the current board in these fliers when trying to hype his candidates for the board.
Say Cheese Jerry Shi 😎:
Geez Tom, does he think that no one in town knows this is his ticket? Everybody does. But hey, nice location for this shot with the EDO banner in the background.
Anyhoo, if you really want change to the Board of Education, and believe me that under Mr. Shi's leadership you really..really do, then there's three simple things you need to do:
1. Stop Jerry Shi..Vote Shivi Prasad-Madhukar
2. EDO Committee People, No Way..Vote Elizabeth Conway
3. Less Politics, More Education..Ignore this Political ticket
Seriously now, you can't let Jerry 'Needs to Step-down' Shi and his Local Dem-party cronies let politics infiltrate and prevail over education in our town. He's leadership is all form and no substance and his attempt to squash any resistance to his attempted oligarchy needs to be shut down come November 6th.
So, don't be fooled with what's going on here:
Anyhoo, what do I know? I still can't figure out why Shi would think this type flier would make anyone believe that these three candidates are independent.
Anyway, just a suggestion but the next time you see Jerry 'Needs to Step-down' Shi, you might want to remind him he is President of the Current Board and it's probably not a good idea to criticize himself and the rest of the current board in these fliers when trying to hype his candidates for the board.
Say Cheese Jerry Shi 😎:
Geez Tom, does he think that no one in town knows this is his ticket? Everybody does. But hey, nice location for this shot with the EDO banner in the background.
Anyhoo, if you really want change to the Board of Education, and believe me that under Mr. Shi's leadership you really..really do, then there's three simple things you need to do:
1. Stop Jerry Shi..Vote Shivi Prasad-Madhukar
2. EDO Committee People, No Way..Vote Elizabeth Conway
3. Less Politics, More Education..Ignore this Political ticket
Seriously now, you can't let Jerry 'Needs to Step-down' Shi and his Local Dem-party cronies let politics infiltrate and prevail over education in our town. He's leadership is all form and no substance and his attempt to squash any resistance to his attempted oligarchy needs to be shut down come November 6th.
So, don't be fooled with what's going on here:
Anyhoo, what do I know? I still can't figure out why Shi would think this type flier would make anyone believe that these three candidates are independent.
Edison Board of Education Interim Super Contract for Paul Saxton just approved
Well, here's the contract for the Interim Super approved at the October 15, 2018 Action Meeting. Looks like they went around the Super Salary Cap with Merit Bonuses up to 14.99% - up to three quantitative and two qualitative. Here we go again!
The contract runs from September 25, 2018, or as soon thereafter as possible, through June 30, 2019 and may be extended for an additional term not to exceed two calendar years.
Salary is $756.09 for days actually worked and will be capped at $196,584 pro-rated for the 2018-19 school year.
As you can read in past blog posts about O'Malley's Merit Bonuses, not a big fan of the Board's 'Merit Bonuses' because the goals they use to set the bonuses are usually sophomoric and often less than substantive. Their qualitative goals are usually a hoot and just showing up for work will usually qualify. Throw in the fact that the Board mistakenly confuses giving bonuses for something that's part of the job you're hired to do - then you get the picture.
Just sayin,' Merit Bonuses over there on Mythomania Lane - waste of taxpayer money and just a way to get around the Super Salary Cap.
Anyhoo, read it and see how the Board of Mythomania decided to $pend your money on an interim basis.
The contract runs from September 25, 2018, or as soon thereafter as possible, through June 30, 2019 and may be extended for an additional term not to exceed two calendar years.
Salary is $756.09 for days actually worked and will be capped at $196,584 pro-rated for the 2018-19 school year.
As you can read in past blog posts about O'Malley's Merit Bonuses, not a big fan of the Board's 'Merit Bonuses' because the goals they use to set the bonuses are usually sophomoric and often less than substantive. Their qualitative goals are usually a hoot and just showing up for work will usually qualify. Throw in the fact that the Board mistakenly confuses giving bonuses for something that's part of the job you're hired to do - then you get the picture.
Just sayin,' Merit Bonuses over there on Mythomania Lane - waste of taxpayer money and just a way to get around the Super Salary Cap.
Anyhoo, read it and see how the Board of Mythomania decided to $pend your money on an interim basis.
Thursday, October 18, 2018
Looks like Mayor Tom 'Now 17.1% but Won't Debate' ChoiLankey can't get enough of Jerry 'Needs to Step-down' Shi?!?
Last year it was the BoE Unity Team for the Edison Board of Education and this year it's Student & Taxpayer Advocates. What a Guy - he's back for more. Not like last year's election was a banner one for the town.
Kind of funny, Student & Taxpayer Advocates. Bet Senor Lankey can show them something about raising taxes..
Well, thanks Tom - I now know who Not to Vote for this year.
Kind of funny, Student & Taxpayer Advocates. Bet Senor Lankey can show them something about raising taxes..
Well, thanks Tom - I now know who Not to Vote for this year.
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Hunh! Remember when the Edison Board of Education was about Education?!?
Geez - Racist flier, People for Progress, Shannon Peng's email exchanges with Paul Distefano, Legal advice from Board Counsel, Leaked Counsel opinions, Requests for Board resignations, Go to an Edison Council Meeting, Councilman Sam Joshi knows...
Good thing they're not talking about District Overcrowding, hiring a Superintendent, addressing the $pending inefficiency, bloated school budgets, an ineffective, opaque and dysfunctional school board leadership and moving the school district forward!?!
Nah, moving the school board elections to November has nothing to do with the politicization and deterioration of the Edison Board of Education, aka Board of Mythomania, Board of EDems, Board of Hoarders, Board of Silence, Board of Cap Bank Munchers Extraordinaire and self-described Board of Dysfunction.
Good job Edison Board of Eduction President Jerry 'Needs to Step-down' Shi for bringing us to this embarrassing position - your leadership is an inspiration to one - yourself. You should Step-down as Board President. And to my friends on the Board who are enabling this sophomoric and demoralizing style of leadership with your Silence - step-Up and do something about it.
Anyhoo, hey Councilman Sam Joshi - School Board Member Rich Brescher is passing the buck over to you and says you should share what you know about the racist flier with the public. So Mr. Joshi, what do you have to share with the public?
Good thing they're not talking about District Overcrowding, hiring a Superintendent, addressing the $pending inefficiency, bloated school budgets, an ineffective, opaque and dysfunctional school board leadership and moving the school district forward!?!
Nah, moving the school board elections to November has nothing to do with the politicization and deterioration of the Edison Board of Education, aka Board of Mythomania, Board of EDems, Board of Hoarders, Board of Silence, Board of Cap Bank Munchers Extraordinaire and self-described Board of Dysfunction.
Good job Edison Board of Eduction President Jerry 'Needs to Step-down' Shi for bringing us to this embarrassing position - your leadership is an inspiration to one - yourself. You should Step-down as Board President. And to my friends on the Board who are enabling this sophomoric and demoralizing style of leadership with your Silence - step-Up and do something about it.
Anyhoo, hey Councilman Sam Joshi - School Board Member Rich Brescher is passing the buck over to you and says you should share what you know about the racist flier with the public. So Mr. Joshi, what do you have to share with the public?
Monday, October 15, 2018
Edison High School Class of '68 - 50th Reunion
On a Happy note, here's the pic from the Class of '68's 50th Reunion held this past weekend:
And here's their tribute to those classmates who are no longer with us - Nice:
Congratulations to the Class of '68 on the 50th Reunion and here's to many more.
And here's their tribute to those classmates who are no longer with us - Nice:
Congratulations to the Class of '68 on the 50th Reunion and here's to many more.
Saturday, October 13, 2018
Geez, haven't we had enough 'anonymous' things in this sanctimonious town??
With only 24 days left until the election, the Stench Still Hanging over Edison from Last Year's Election and that anonymous flier Still Lays with those Who Let it Linger - and it looks like they will Let it Linger on:

Thought it was Shameful for our Local Elected Officials to let our town continue to be labeled a national disgrace for so long - but I was wrong, they're not Shameful, they're Shameless.
Which brings me to the latest 'anonymous' thing flying around in this town. Seems Jerry 'Needs to Step-down' Shi, who clearly and unmistakably from his rhetoric and actions since he's been in charge has been trying his best to block public scrutiny of his leadership, has requested a legal write-up of the 'Limitations of Public Comment' and had received such a write-up from the Board's attorney marked privileged and confidential - not a public document.
Now, make no mistake, Jerry Shi is one Bad Leader and he really shouldn't be in that role anymore - his leadership is dangerous to the publics (and some on the Boards) ability to understand, be informed and be part of how our children are and will be educated in this town, and to make matters worse, we have a Board that doesn't do anything about it.
Now, back to the Privileged and Confidential Memorandum. Seems it found its way on to the internet from an 'anonymous' source. Once I saw it, I made an OPRA Request to see the Memorandum and the costs associated with preparing and distributing it to the Mr. Shi and the School Board.
Personally, I find this totally in line with what makes Mr. Shi dangerous as the leader of the Edison Board of Education and am offended that he would incur legal fees at our expense to further an inappropriate course of action and it's very scary - and it should scare you too.
Having said that - what's going on here is totally Wrong.
Mr. Shi has every right to request the Board's attorney to provide legal information for the Board. From what I can see from the purported memorandum, there's nothing in there that's new - just a bunch of legal cases and citations on Public Comments at Board of Education meetings. If the Board disagreed with the memorandum, wanted more cases and citations or clarification, they could of just stated it or asked for it.
What's new here? Nothing. Jerry Shi is looking for every way possible to Block You from scrutinizing his leadership.
Is that any secret to You? It shouldn't be.
The Board has to be able to confer with their attorney and expect that it will be treated with confidentiality where appropriate. How else can the Board properly function?
So, having this purported memorandum, clearly marked privileged and confidential - not a public document, leaked is just Wrong.
It undermines the work and credibility of the Board of Education - both which are arguably questionable already.
Any Board Member who had a problem with this memorandum, and they should of had problems, could of just come out in public and denounced it for what it was.
But they didn't.
Finally, it's simply wrong for anyone to put this memorandum out in the public domain. Jerry 'Needs to Step-down' Shi needs to go but not this way. For those who believe the end justifies the means, that only works if the people forget the means. Not likely on this one.
And Really..what makes this anonymous person any different than the one who put out the anonymous flier in last year's election? Nothing - they're both cowards and Hypocrisy rules once again here in Downtown Edison.
Anyhoo, how bad does it need to get over there on Mythomania Lane before we put an end to Jerry Shi's Leadership and his band of enablers?

Thought it was Shameful for our Local Elected Officials to let our town continue to be labeled a national disgrace for so long - but I was wrong, they're not Shameful, they're Shameless.
Which brings me to the latest 'anonymous' thing flying around in this town. Seems Jerry 'Needs to Step-down' Shi, who clearly and unmistakably from his rhetoric and actions since he's been in charge has been trying his best to block public scrutiny of his leadership, has requested a legal write-up of the 'Limitations of Public Comment' and had received such a write-up from the Board's attorney marked privileged and confidential - not a public document.
Now, make no mistake, Jerry Shi is one Bad Leader and he really shouldn't be in that role anymore - his leadership is dangerous to the publics (and some on the Boards) ability to understand, be informed and be part of how our children are and will be educated in this town, and to make matters worse, we have a Board that doesn't do anything about it.
Now, back to the Privileged and Confidential Memorandum. Seems it found its way on to the internet from an 'anonymous' source. Once I saw it, I made an OPRA Request to see the Memorandum and the costs associated with preparing and distributing it to the Mr. Shi and the School Board.
Personally, I find this totally in line with what makes Mr. Shi dangerous as the leader of the Edison Board of Education and am offended that he would incur legal fees at our expense to further an inappropriate course of action and it's very scary - and it should scare you too.
Having said that - what's going on here is totally Wrong.
Mr. Shi has every right to request the Board's attorney to provide legal information for the Board. From what I can see from the purported memorandum, there's nothing in there that's new - just a bunch of legal cases and citations on Public Comments at Board of Education meetings. If the Board disagreed with the memorandum, wanted more cases and citations or clarification, they could of just stated it or asked for it.
What's new here? Nothing. Jerry Shi is looking for every way possible to Block You from scrutinizing his leadership.
Is that any secret to You? It shouldn't be.
The Board has to be able to confer with their attorney and expect that it will be treated with confidentiality where appropriate. How else can the Board properly function?
So, having this purported memorandum, clearly marked privileged and confidential - not a public document, leaked is just Wrong.
It undermines the work and credibility of the Board of Education - both which are arguably questionable already.
Any Board Member who had a problem with this memorandum, and they should of had problems, could of just come out in public and denounced it for what it was.
But they didn't.
Finally, it's simply wrong for anyone to put this memorandum out in the public domain. Jerry 'Needs to Step-down' Shi needs to go but not this way. For those who believe the end justifies the means, that only works if the people forget the means. Not likely on this one.
And Really..what makes this anonymous person any different than the one who put out the anonymous flier in last year's election? Nothing - they're both cowards and Hypocrisy rules once again here in Downtown Edison.
Anyhoo, how bad does it need to get over there on Mythomania Lane before we put an end to Jerry Shi's Leadership and his band of enablers?
Sunday, October 7, 2018
How to Make a Bad situation Worse over there on Mythomania Lane!?!
Geez, you'd have to of been out of town for the last nine months or so to seriously consider supporting Jerry 'Needs to Step-down' Shi's team for the Board of EDems.
Haven't you seen enough of this guy's less than inspiring yet single-minded leadership?
Anyhoo, just curious - but does anybody know how they know who received a mail-in ballot? I'd really like to know how that works.
Haven't you seen enough of this guy's less than inspiring yet single-minded leadership?
Anyhoo, just curious - but does anybody know how they know who received a mail-in ballot? I'd really like to know how that works.
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