Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Hunh! Remember when the Edison Board of Education was about Education?!?

Geez - Racist flier, People for Progress, Shannon Peng's email exchanges with Paul Distefano, Legal advice from Board Counsel, Leaked Counsel opinions, Requests for Board resignations, Go to an Edison Council Meeting, Councilman Sam Joshi knows...

Good thing they're not talking about District Overcrowding, hiring a Superintendent, addressing the $pending inefficiency, bloated school budgets, an ineffective, opaque and dysfunctional school board leadership and moving the school district forward!?!

Nah, moving the school board elections to November has nothing to do with the politicization and deterioration of the Edison Board of Education, aka Board of Mythomania, Board of EDems, Board of Hoarders, Board of Silence, Board of Cap Bank Munchers Extraordinaire and self-described Board of Dysfunction.

Good job Edison Board of Eduction President Jerry 'Needs to Step-down' Shi for bringing us to this embarrassing position - your leadership is an inspiration to one - yourself. You should Step-down as Board President. And to my friends on the Board who are enabling this sophomoric and demoralizing style of leadership with your Silence - step-Up and do something about it.

Anyhoo, hey Councilman Sam Joshi - School Board Member Rich Brescher is passing the buck over to you and says you should share what you know about the racist flier with the public. So Mr. Joshi, what do you have to share with the public?

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