Thought it was Shameful for our Local Elected Officials to let our town continue to be labeled a national disgrace for so long - but I was wrong, they're not Shameful, they're Shameless.
Which brings me to the latest 'anonymous' thing flying around in this town. Seems Jerry 'Needs to Step-down' Shi, who clearly and unmistakably from his rhetoric and actions since he's been in charge has been trying his best to block public scrutiny of his leadership, has requested a legal write-up of the 'Limitations of Public Comment' and had received such a write-up from the Board's attorney marked privileged and confidential - not a public document.
Now, make no mistake, Jerry Shi is one Bad Leader and he really shouldn't be in that role anymore - his leadership is dangerous to the publics (and some on the Boards) ability to understand, be informed and be part of how our children are and will be educated in this town, and to make matters worse, we have a Board that doesn't do anything about it.
Now, back to the Privileged and Confidential Memorandum. Seems it found its way on to the internet from an 'anonymous' source. Once I saw it, I made an OPRA Request to see the Memorandum and the costs associated with preparing and distributing it to the Mr. Shi and the School Board.
Personally, I find this totally in line with what makes Mr. Shi dangerous as the leader of the Edison Board of Education and am offended that he would incur legal fees at our expense to further an inappropriate course of action and it's very scary - and it should scare you too.
Having said that - what's going on here is totally Wrong.
Mr. Shi has every right to request the Board's attorney to provide legal information for the Board. From what I can see from the purported memorandum, there's nothing in there that's new - just a bunch of legal cases and citations on Public Comments at Board of Education meetings. If the Board disagreed with the memorandum, wanted more cases and citations or clarification, they could of just stated it or asked for it.
What's new here? Nothing. Jerry Shi is looking for every way possible to Block You from scrutinizing his leadership.
Is that any secret to You? It shouldn't be.
The Board has to be able to confer with their attorney and expect that it will be treated with confidentiality where appropriate. How else can the Board properly function?
So, having this purported memorandum, clearly marked privileged and confidential - not a public document, leaked is just Wrong.
It undermines the work and credibility of the Board of Education - both which are arguably questionable already.
Any Board Member who had a problem with this memorandum, and they should of had problems, could of just come out in public and denounced it for what it was.
But they didn't.
Finally, it's simply wrong for anyone to put this memorandum out in the public domain. Jerry 'Needs to Step-down' Shi needs to go but not this way. For those who believe the end justifies the means, that only works if the people forget the means. Not likely on this one.
And Really..what makes this anonymous person any different than the one who put out the anonymous flier in last year's election? Nothing - they're both cowards and Hypocrisy rules once again here in Downtown Edison.
Anyhoo, how bad does it need to get over there on Mythomania Lane before we put an end to Jerry Shi's Leadership and his band of enablers?
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