Thursday, May 7, 2020

Board of Mythomania approves Duh..Duh Ridiculous $277.2m School Budget for 2020-21 - in Your Face!?!

Well, while I can’t bring myself to watch idiocrisy run amuck, I’m told the Board of Mythomania last night approved Super Dr. Bernie ‘ShiReferen-Dumb-er’s’ $277.2m School Budget for 2020-21 by a 7-2 vote. Choke on that Smell for a while.

A School Budget that was even more Bloated than their usual annual Bloated, Out-of-Control $pending, 'Staffing Shell-Game'  pocketbook attacks.

You really gotta wonder what new Super Dr. Bernie 'ShiReferen-Dumb-er' Bragen was doing with this gross assault on the People of Edison at this time.

But, since I'm not much of a fan of his performance so far, given he supported that Ridiculous, I'll conceived, Opaque, Piecemeal and Overpriced $189.5m 'Shi-shed' called a School Bond Referendum even before he was hired and then again becoming the Face for the $183.2m 2nd Bite of the 'Shi-shed' Poison Apple that would of tripled our Current year's School tax for the next 30 years.

And now this Ridiculous $277.2m School Budget Money-Grab for 2020-21 at the worst possible time. That's strike 3 for me on his credibility and leadership performance.

But, in all fairness, there should be some Oversight for what he does or doesn't do over there on Mythomania Lane. So, now you really have to look at the Board.

You know, I respect that all our elected officials try and do what they think is right, that's what they were elected to do. And, while you may not always agree with their decisions, sometimes, and maybe not often, there's something that supports their decisions.

However, this Board's decision to pass this School Budget troubles me. While I can respect they did what they thought was right - I can't excuse in the face of overwhelming evidence right in their faces with this crippling Pandemic to the contrary, their inability to recognize that what they were doing was far from being right under these circumstances.

So, to my friends on the Board who failed to recognize the Oversight needed now over this School Budget, recognize that by doing so you may have gained another Bloated School Budget but you lost the respect of this person. Even if you don't really care what I think, and nobody's saying you should, just recognize respect is important to me.

To the People of Edison, recognize you just got royally screwed with this 2020-21 School Budget by the Board of Mythomania at the worst possible time in your life, and while you may be more concerned right now with putting food on the table than this nonsense - remember this when you can.

Your Pandemic School tax increase - 4.5 times higher than last year's:

Anyhoo, it is what it is and it's an awful disgrace.


  1. I like your blog - very insightful - but please get rid of the flashing picture in the middle of this post. It makes the page almost impossible to read.
    Keep up the good work in informing the public.

  2. Thanks for the kind words but it's not about me - I only do it to try and help and inform the People of Edison. As for the flashing pics, if you find it distracting, I will limit it going forward. Thanks for the input.
