Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Bet you're glad there's no Campaigning at the Board of Ed Meetings

If you watched last night's Board of Ed Meeting, you just had to get a kick out of Jerry 'ReferenDUMB' Shi's last minute amateur political performance. Can this guy be anymore desperate in his attempt to garner support for his 'Vote 4 Me for Forced Retirement' ticket?

Apparently, he now wants to take some $6 million out of the Capital Reserve earmarked for Lincoln School and give it back to the taxpayers if it can't be used by June 30th.

Wow..what a Guy - a guy who never gave anything back to the taxpayers under his inept leadership, tried to triple your current year's school tax increase for the next 30 years with that idiotic twice rejected school bond referendum a few months ago - and let's not forget what a dismal failure he was wasting two years mishandling the Overcrowding - further complicating the ability for the school district to deal with the Pandemic.

Yeah, he wants to give back to the poor Edison Residents. Brings a tear to your eye, doesn't it.

But wait, it gets better. Seems Mr. Shi-shed got called out by one of the resident parents (also a current BoE candidate) for trying to take money away from Lincoln School when the place is a disaster in waiting and has been for a long time. 

Clearly, she nailed it and called him out on his audacity - a purely amateur and futile attempt by Mr. Shi to try and pander to the Edison Residents with a short time left before the election. 

Acknowledging that you're not supposed to campaign in the Board Meeting, Mr. Shi said that since it was brought up, he could respond. 

And his response, he reiterated his 0% tax increase pledge and said he has the team to do it and he'll fix Lincoln School first.

Well, ok - here's his Dem-party ticket team making the same promise that the Local Dems did on the Muni-side of town - and you can see how that worked out:

And let's not forget his "Edison First' team:

Yeah, he's gonna fix things he didn't fix when he had the chance to but he promises to fix them next time. That's a Hoot!

Anyhoo, kudos to Maria Wise for stepping up to the plate and hitting a home run.

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