Thursday, September 10, 2020

Edison's '7 Processing Clerks' Amended Senor Lankey Muni Budget - 5.3% Muni tax Hike - Barf!

What the heck, it's only a Pandemic - so what's another 5.3% increase in your Property taxes from the Oligarchy over there at 100 Oligarchy Blvd.? 

The vote was 4 to 3 in favor of this amended budget. Really doesn't matter - a 4 to 3 Vote is just as good a a 7 to 0 one. For the record, Ship-Freeman, Brescher, Diehl and Gomez were the 4 in favor and Coyle, Patil and 'Big-boy' pants were the 3 opposed. You can tell all the Mayor-Wannabe's with this vote.     

Lankey's original budget came with a 9.9-cent or 7.28% tax increase and their amendment reduces the increase by 2.6-cents to 7.3-cents or 5.3%.

Here's there amendment:


You can see all they did was to increase the revenue. Appropriations stayed the same.

Here's the changes in the tax rates:

Normally, this is just business as usual for me in this one-party cesspool but it is worth noting that the reduction of 2.6-cents coincides nicely with the 2.9-cent understatement of the Muni tax in the 3rd Qtr estimated tax bills. At least you won't get hammered like you did last year with your 4th Qtr tax bill.

Anyhoo, you get the type of government you deserve here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison and you just got some more of it. Enjoy.

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