Saturday, March 13, 2021

Seems there are No political friends or political enemies here in 'Downtown' Edison - just political opportunities - all at your expense, of course

 Well, saw this piece here in the New Jersey Globe - 'Karabinchak, Stanley rout Coyle for renomination for 18th district Assembly seat.' 

Seems in the Middlesex County Dem-party screening - Stanley defeated Coyle by a vote of 189 to 136 (58% to 42%). 

Yeah, like the Dem-party was going to allow the two 18th District Assembly seats to be filled with people from the same town. 

Kind of would of made East Brunswick, Helmetta, Highland Park, Metuchen, South Plainfield and South River committee people stand up and take notice.

Be that as it may, you can't help but notice some things here. Seems the EDO Chair and Mayoral candidate Mahesh Bhagia backed Joe Coyle for the Assembly seat. 

Coyle, who recently put out his own video, asked for the resignation of Sam 'the Weathervane Millennial' aka Big-boy pants Joshi (a Bhagia challenger for Mayor) from the 'Committee of the Hole' investigating the 2017 Racist Flyer here in Downtown Edison.

Now, not for nothing, but doesn't this just make the 'Committee of the Hole' even more of a joke? They all need to resign from the 'Committee of the Hole' and put an end to this self-serving demonstration of idiocracy. 

Seems there's more interest in political opportunities here than there is solving the 2017 Racist Flyer for the People of Edison.

The entire Edison Council is tainted and its 'Committee of the Hole' in search of themselves a disgrace.

So, said it before and will say it again. 

Don't vote for any Local Democrats and if the Middlesex County Dem-party Chair doesn't recognize what's going on here in Edison with the yet to be Resolved 2017 Racist Flyer and chooses not to open up the primary, then you should Not Vote for any Democrats up the line as well. 

As a Democrat, I know - I won't. I don't want the Dem-party line to carry the Stink of this town with it any longer.

Three years is too long to allow the Stench to be Still Hanging over our town from that 2017 Racist Flyer, thanks to the Local-Dem party.

Anyhoo, what do I know? I still can't figure out why our 18th District representatives have been so silent for so long as we continue to be labeled a racist town - thought they represented the People of Edison?!?

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