Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Primary Season here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison - keep Voting for Democrats!?!

 Well, it's the silly season for sure here in 'Downtown' Edison so it's worth some time to remember what the Democrats have done to our property taxes over the years in this one-party town. You know, the Property tax - that progressive tax that's based on a non-cash asset.

Hey, it's better than having to look at all those silly glossy campaign flyers that the various Local Dem-party candidates are putting out telling us what they're going to do.

Barf - here's what the last 3 Dem-party Mayors did to the property tax rate:

And lets not forget about what happened to the Sewer tax since 2013:

And finally here's what happened to the Total Property Tax Rate, which includes the School tax, County tax, Muni tax, Library tax and the Garbage tax since 2003 under the all Dem-party rule:

Silly me - how could I forget the contributions of Charlie 'I Abstain' Tomaro (who never met a tax increase he didn't like) and the County taxes from the Middlesex County all-Dem-party Commissioners.


This is an Excel file (the host site can't handle drop-down boxes) so if anyone wants the file, just hit the Email button and let me know.

Anyhoo, keep voting for the Democrats - they're really going to change things.

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