Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Eight Candidates seek Open Edison School Board Seat

 Well, here's the 8 candidates that have submitted applications to fill the open Edison School Board seat.

You can bet the winner is already picked but it makes for a good dog and pony show.

Since I don't know of four of the eight people on this list or what they bring to the table, it would be unfair to say anything about this list. However, will say, not much of a fan of newbies popping up at the last minute or leading this selection process either for that matter.

But it doesn't really matter to me who they pick since these picks are usually more political than otherwise. It's never who would be best but rather who would best serve those who control the selection process.

Anyhoo, let's see who blinked first and lost this power struggle in this dysfunctional board.

1 comment:

  1. As the person who stepped down from the BOE, after finally getting elected to the board, I don't get to choose my replacement. If health issues did not make it impossible for me to remain, I would have finished my term. Barring that, in my humble opinion after 30-40 years of attending EBOE meetings and really taking an active role, there is only one person I could put my entire trust into as my replacement. Unfortunately, with all the political shenanigans that are going on in our town and our BOE, she is not a choice the BOE can choose. She will be sitting right there tonight, next to me, wishing and praying for the best possible outcome. Other than that, if any current BOE member would like to hear my opinion on the candidates, they know how to reach me privately. In stepping down, I relinquished my right to have a public opinion on this topic! May the best person be chosen and be given a chance to make a difference in our schools!
