Monday, March 14, 2022

School Overcrowding is a Town Problem, Not just a Board of Ed Problem - You can't solve it without Both Sides of Town

 Well, if you thought (Joshi's Now $100,000 Chief of Staff) Bob 'See No Conflict' Diehl's 'Committee of the Hole' still in search of themselves was a waste of time and money, then you're really gonna like the Board of Mythomania, aka Board of WhatsApp's 'Committee of the Hole' to solve the Overcrowding over there on Mythomania Lane.

Seems the new ill-equipped Board Leader Doug 'I don't know what the heck I'm doing but I'm doing it anyway' Schneider and the old inept Board Leader Jerry 'Referen-Dumb' Shi can't play nice to solve a problem.

Watch the Board of Ed's February 28th 'Committee of the Whole' meeting and recognize why a Committee of the Whole to solve the Overcrowding problem would never work.

So, forget the twisted and self-serving Dem-party politics affecting and effecting both sides of town and let's get serious here. 

Let's start with the Liaison Committees.

On the Council side we have Chair Ship-Freeman and Members Brescher and Harris. 

On the BoE side, we have Chair White and Members Prasad-Madhukar and M. Patel.

Now, we've had these Liaison Committees for years but, quite honestly, they've been as useful as Joshi photo-ops are now.

Be that as it may, they may be useful this time around. If you scratch Ship-Freeman and M. Patel, you just might get some helpful input and collaboration from Brescher and Harris since both of them already served on the Board of Ed and would know all the nonsense that goes on over there and how to cut through it. 

White and Prasad-Madhukar would be our best chance to really fix this problem after years of neglect and piecemeal and expensive temporary fixes.

Maybe they can address the real things we need to do once and for all (which should be obvious to everyone in town by now) and work for a plan that addresses both the short and long-term goals that can garner public support to fix the Overcrowding.

Anyhoo, it's worth a shot - you have to start somewhere and so far we've been going nowhere for years. 

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