Thursday, December 29, 2022

Top 10 New Year's Resolutions for the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison

 10. That Council President Joe 'the Florist' Coyle stop embarrassing himself and steps down as President after spending a year blocking both Council and Public query, input and interaction into the stewardship of an ill-prepared 'Malleable Marionette' of a Mayor.

9. That the 3-Amigos from the 'Committee of the Hole', Now Mayor Sam 'Mr. Shrink-flation' Joshi, Now Chief of Staff Bob 'See No Conflict' Diehl and Now Council President Joe 'the Florist' Coyle after 5-years - actually find some time in their busy schedules and actually get to the bottom of the 2017 Racist Flyer, as promised years ago.

8. That Mayor Sam 'Mr. Shrink-flation' Joshi's Ridiculous $158.1 million Muni-Budget for 2022 that more than doubles the Admin Spending along with a tax increase - gets declared a 'Free Tax Appeal Zone' so the Residents and Taxpayers can offset all that wasteful spending included in their Property tax bills.

7. That Council Person Joyce 'She's on the Council?' Ship-Freeman moves on to doing what she does best like when she's at Store or Business Openings in town and becomes a Walmart Greeter and stops wasting a seat on the Council.

6. That Council Person John 'I'll be Brief' Poyner either stops saying he'll be brief before he rambles on forever or actually be brief when he speaks.

5. That the Edison Board of Education's ED Center Building be renovated into an Octagon to make it easier for all to watch the Dem-party infested wasteful and unproductive School Board fighting going on all the time.

4. That School Board President Doug 'Mr. Hospitality' Schneider and Former Board President Jerry 'ReferenDumb' Shi find a way of working with each other for the benefit of the kids and not for themselves. Either way, with their inept leadership - it would be totally delusional if either one was ever be elevated to Board President again.

3. That with Bloated and Out-of-Control School $pending Budgets of $300 million over there on Mythomania Lane, the Board Members should spend a few few bucks and learn how to read it and actually SEE and understand what's really in it before they vote on these catastrophes year after year.

2. That the newly appointed Interim Super Aldarelli not get caught up in the twisted politics and in-fighting of the School Board.

1. That the People of Edison recognize that the only chance to change things in this one-party town is to stop backing the differing factions of the Dem-party. That won't change things no matter who wins - it's still the Dem-party. You need to make the switch over to Wards by public petition and bring government closer to the People.

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