Wednesday, October 25, 2023

The People of Edison want a PUBLIC ADVOCATE - the Powers that Be, DON'T

 Well, got a chance to see Monday's Worksession regarding the Public Advocate. Seriously, enough of this Edison 'Clowncil' Nonsense trying to 'Deep 6' what the People in Edison CLEARLY want. Not for nothing but this 'Clowncil' is really holding true with their Pecking order of importance in that disgraceful performance:

  • Dem-party
  • Themselves
  • Residents & Taxpayers

Clearly, the Powers that Be who now control their hand-picked Malleable Marionette of a Mayor would Not want to see a Public Advocate in this town. You should clearly see it if you watch that meeting and see John 'the Puppet's Puppet' Poyner embarrass himself trying to stall it. 

Not sure why this guy is still there since he's clearly biased and dutifully and blindly doing Mr. Shrink-flation's bidding.

Be that as it may, here's what you County-controlled Council Members should do. It's election time, so just put up the Ordinance and Pass it before the Election - so you can fool the People of Edison thinking you're on their side and Represent them. Make sure you call an Emergency Meeting so you can get it before the November 7th election.

Then you can have Mayor Sam 'The Big Lie' Joshi, aka Mr. Shrink-flation Veto it after the election. Certainly the County can get 5 Votes to support the Veto.

You know, typical Dem-party Hypocrisy and Lies that go on in this town - just like Mr. Shrink-flation' Joshi when he was for Wards before his election, then against it once he got elected.

Wake-up People - it's a joke and the joke's on You. You're never going to see a Public Advocate with a 'Clowncil' controlled by the Powers that Be - and that ain't You.

Anyhoo, if anyone on the Council Votes No for a Public Advocate, after correcting any legal flaws, then You Should Recognize who they Represent - and WAKE-UP to it's NOT YOU.

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