Friday, August 16, 2024

Councilman Brescher to introduce Resolution Naming that '$ Rip-off Hold-the-Hose Park' After Councilwoman Joyce Ship-Freeman

Well, that's a tad bit ridiculous of her to push something like this just so 'Bubble-boy' doesn't take credit for something he's never done. 

This thing Stinks to no end.

First of all, there are more deserving of the honor when naming things in this politically-corrupt town - like honoring service people, police, fire personnel etc. 

Certainly, not living politicians or one when on the Council I referred to as Joyce 'She's on the Council' Ship-Freeman in disbelief.

She was a terrible Council person and this is just another example of her pushing her ''  attitude like being inducted into the JPS Hall of Honor - a bogus selection process all around where more deserving people would of been honored if the process itself wasn't so tainted. But hey, she should be proud to be in a JPS Hall of Honor Class that included 'Bubble-boy' - that incompetent buffoon of a Mayor as one of the inductees.

Actually kind of funny that she would want her name attached to that '$ Rip-off Hold-the-Hose Park' Waste of taxpayer money. The cost of two Splash parks for one.

So, I suggest to my friend Councilman Brescher - drop the shameful politicking and drop the resolution.

Sets a bad precedent by naming things after Council Members for where we go next.

So, what can we expect next?:

Naming Bike Lanes - 'Nish Lanes'

Naming 4 Story Buildings in Clara Barton - 'Coyle Towers'

Naming Fighting in Council Chambers - 'Poyner Cry Me a River'

Naming Council Presidents - 'Bubble-boy' Information Blockers'

Naming Council Chambers - 'Where you go to see Idiocracy come to life'

But hey, what do I know - always thought the goal of politicians should be to serve the Public, not themselves.

Anyhoo, Welcome to Edison - Permanent Home of the 2017 Racist Flyer.

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