Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Some Unsavory action going on at last night's Board of Ed-Dems Meeting

Well, when you think things couldn't get any worse in that political cesspool over there on Mythomania Lane - think again.

Seems, without any public notice or even listed in the agenda for the meeting, a Board member raised a resolution from the dais to extend Super Dr. Aldarelli's contract an additional year.

How could that possibly happen without any public notice and discussion?

Dr. Aldarelli's current contract is for 4-Years and 10.5 months and runs from August 16, 2023 through June 30, 2028.  You can see his contract in the September 12, 2023 post in this blog.

Why would they want to extend his contract now when he's only 1-Year into his almost 5-Year Current Contract?

Further, what did Dr. Aldarelli agree to in terms of compensation and perks and what is this 1-Year Extension going to Cost the Taxpayers?

All questions that the Public should have been able to ask but weren't given the opportunity.

His Current Contract with Salary & Perks, according to their website, goes from $387,557 for 2023-24 to $426,274 for 2027-28.

Here's what's on their website for what it's worth (addition errors ignored):

It's unfortunate that the Board is again totally out of line and thinks that they could just do what they want but it's even more disappointing that Super Aldarelli went along with this blatant lack of transparency.

Anyhoo, at least we're comforted in the knowledge that Board Members with Conflicts abstained from voting.

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