Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Geez..don't count on a 2017 Muni-Budget anytime soon - Estimated Property Tax Bills are out for the August payment!?!

Well, that's a tad bit disappointing. Just saw the estimated tax bill for August and that's not good news for whatever it is that's going on over there at 100 Oligarchy Blvd.

The estimated tax bill doesn't really tell you anything other than to pay whatever the amount is on the bill. There's  no explanation of where that number comes from or how they came up with it.

Seems the only 2017 tax rates we still need to find out about to know what the Total Edison Property Tax Bill will be for 2017 are on the Muni side of Downtown Edison.

We don't know the Muni-tax rate, the Library tax rate and the Garbage District tax rate.

We do know the School tax rate is $2.988, which is up 5.6-Cents or 1.9% over last year's rate of $2.932.

We do know the County taxes are $.890, which is up 3.5-Cents or 4.1% over last year's rate of $.855.

So, with the amount they want you to pay for the 3rd qtr., you can back into the the total property tax rate they used to come up with this estimated tax bill. Doing that, you come up with the total property tax rate used of $5.386, which is up 11-Cents or 2.1% over last year's rate $5.276.

While I do know that the combined Muni-tax, Library-tax and Garbage District taxes in total have to be around $1.508, which is up by 1.9-Cents or 1.3% over last year's rate of $1.489 - there's not enough information to break it down.

Here's my take on what we're gonna pay in Total Property Taxes for 2017 here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison:

Anyhoo, what do I know? I still can't figure out how they can just send you a bill and say Pay it, without telling you how they came up with it.

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