Saturday, June 17, 2017

$17,623 Bonus day for Super Dr. Richard 'Looking for the Exit Ramp' O'Malley - even before the meeting!?!

Well, today was the Board of Mythomania's Retreat to review among other things, Senior O'Malley's Performance Bonus for School year 2016-17 and the Goals du jour for for 2017-18.

Here's the agenda:

Seems like they already made up their mind about what the bonus was going to be even before this meeting and the public had a chance to chime in.

The $17,623.00 is already on their agenda (on page 43) for Monday's meeting here and ready to send to the County Super.

Don't you just get a kick out of them determining the Bonus amounts for Monday's agenda before they do the Super's evaluation in today's meeting?

So much for bothering with today's meeting and taking public input on their review of the Super's performance for 2016-17.

So, what did he get for his performance against those 2016-17 merit goals?


Seems he got the Big Goose Egg on the quantitative goal relating to Before/After School Care worth $3,610.00 of his Max Bonus.


Here's the updated schedule:

Anyhoo, at least we're comforted in the knowledge that Super O'Malley didn't do anything to earn a bonus for Before/After School Care!

One down and one to go in the race to see Who's tenure is 'Raising You Up' the Most in Downtown Edison:

Hey, what do I know? They seem to be $miling.

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