Friday, June 23, 2017

$20; 'It's not much,' so says Dr. Frank - You think?!?

Well, it doesn't get any more humorous than this over there on Mythomania Lane. Just saw this piece here about the Board of Mythomania, aka Board of Hoarders, Board of EDems plan for the possible $1.6 million in additional aid from the State Dem Legislative Leaders plan! You can see where the $1.6 million number comes from in the June 15, 2017 post.

Not of nothing but I'm all for them giving back money to the taxpayers, they've been sticking it to the taxpayers year-after-year here in Downtown Edison, but you can't promise to give back money you don't have or may never see. Take that it's easy to promise something based on an 'if.' If we get something extra, we'll give it to you. If not, unlucky for you - you get nothing!

Maybe it's me, but I'd call that being a tad bit disingenuous and self-serving.

If they want to give back money to the taxpayers, they should of done it already with their bloated 'Pots of Money' they call school budgets which now approach close to $240 million (and which we fund some 90%), and the Board with Super Dr. Richard 'Looking for Exit Ramp' O'Malley taking $pending up 20% and the School tax rate up by another 20% over their journey together.

Can you imagine them offering to give you back $1.6 million in money they don't have but keeping and $pending $2.0 million in money they did get that was specifically earmarked for taxpayer relief? Pretty sure Dr. Frank remembers hoarding that money and using it to increase $pending in a later school budget.

So, if it makes them feel good to say they're gonna give back $20 on a $5,300 average school tax bill, let they glow in their ridiculousness.

The only change that is anyway meaningful to the taxpayers over there on Mythomania Lane is when we get a Board that focuses on how they're $pending the $240 million they do get every year and not on what they don't get in the way of additional state aid.

Even if they got the entire $23 million under the SFRA they're always Whining about - that's still less than 10% of the money they're already $pending. Seems it would be a tad bit more prudent to focus on the 90% and not the 10% - but that's what makes this Board what it is, a taxpayers' nightmare.

Anyhoo, if you do get that $20, better hold on to it because they'll come back for it the next budget go-round. Hey, somebody's got to pay for all that bloat in their budgets and, of course, Super O'Malley's performance bonuses now up to $58,960 with the lastest $17,623 award for the 2016-17 school year.

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