Thursday, August 31, 2017

Dr. Frank's Double-Secret Going-Away present to Super O'Malley - tabled until next month! Unlucky!!

Well, looks like Dr. Frank didn't have the votes to Sneak-in an early extension of Super Dr. Richard 'Looking for the Exit Ramp' O'Malley's contract until June 30, 2022. Seems there were 3 board members (Moroney, Peng & Ward) absent from the meeting. So, he tabled it until next month.

Good thing since you would of never of known what's in that contract until after it was approved by the Board and by then, your opinion wouldn't matter, would it?

Sneaky, Sneaky, Sneaky!

Think about what's going on here. They send an early extension down to the County Super, he approves it and then it comes back to them for a vote - a vote which they take without providing the public with any information about what is in the contract and what exactly they're voting on. That's a good way to block any public input and discussion on what they're doing with Señor O'Malley's contract.

That's just Nasty!

So, here's a suggestion for Dr. Frank on his way out the door. If you feel the need to extend O'Malley's contract now some 2 years early, then put the contract out into the public so they can see and review it before you have a meeting to vote on it. Give the resident/taxpayers a chance to chime in and have an open and free discussion of the rationale, justification and cost that will impact us out out to 2022, if approved. Surely, you must believe Dr. O'Malley's performance justifies your actions and it should be easy for you to then make the case.

Now, in the event Dr. Frank doesn't put the contract out to the public, here's what you do. You go to the meeting when it's up for vote and you ask them to disclose in public what's in the contract before they vote - since they're going to ask for public comments before they vote and how could you possibly comment if you don't know what's in it?

Make them disclose the details before they vote so you can have a basis for commenting. As I understand it, their next Caucus Meeting is September 13th and the Public Meeting is Sept. 18th. You should attend if possible and share your thoughts.

Don't let Dr. Frank and this Board of Mythomania let Señor O'Malley get a second Safe-haven contract without making them justify what they're doing and why.

Here's last night's meeting where they tabled the resolution on Super O'Malley's contract. and pay attention to Dr. Frank's comments's (the contract) been discussed and reviewed and will be dealt with at next month's meeting. Guess he is referring to the County Super and the Board - JUST NOT YOU!

Anyhoo, just another reason why you really need to vote these board members out as they come up for reelection. Doing stuff like this is an insult, a slap in the face and a tad bit Disrespectful to the People of Edison. Guess Dr. Frank's a tad bit concerned that with 4 seats up for grabs in 10 weeks or so, Super O'Malley may not make the cut with a different board not so interested in protecting their guy.

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