Thursday, August 29, 2019

...and you wonder why the Board of Mythomania aka, Edison Board of Education is so dysfunctional?!?

Well, I unfortunately made a foolish decision to watch Monday Night's Board of Ed Meeting. You'd think I would know better than to watch Jerry 'Needs to Step-down' Shi and his Board of Silence disrespect the public so badly.

But I did and here's some noteworthy things (and I'll ignore the 'Narcissism a la Smart Phone' and the 'You-tube' Candidates for the Board of Ed in November) that caught my attention.

First, wasting $1.5 million for a baseball turf field at Edison High. Bad timing all around with a recent school tax increase, a Humongous yet Undefined $189.5 million Fairy Tale School Bond Referendum and worse, they used money set aside in the capital reserve for the turf field - you know what that reserve includes -  Hoarded taxpayer relief money.

Second, Good job Ralph Errico for spear-heading this latest attack on the resident and taxpayers - thanks for sticking it to the taxpayers with this High Priority of your choice. And where are you Mr. Richard 'School Construction Man' Brescher on this ridiculously thought out and yet undefined plan to $pend $189.5 million with all these Humongous and Silly Hard & Soft Costs? You want this disaster to be Your Crowning Legacy on the Board as you try and head off to the dysfunction on the other side of town? You can bet it will follow you.

Third, Dr. Frank for poignantly pointing out to the Board why the $189.5 million Bond Referendum was a disaster in waiting. Dr. Frank has got that right and you should listen to his comments.

Finally,  and what I really want to comment on is the unbelievable yet inexplicable speech that Board Member Beth Moroney read. It has to be one of the most self-serving and hypocritical things ever spoken out by a Board of Mythomania Member.

It was an embarrassment for her to do such a thing and an embarrassment to watch.

You can't sit silently on the Board for two years and vote for mostly everything Shi wanted to do and then all of a sudden say you have problems with Shi's leadership. She could of and should of spoken up in the public meetings if she so adamantly opposed such things as the Super hiring, the Bond Referendum etc.  But she didn't.

She made herself look ridiculous, small and petty. Further by leading with her face on the issues she was trying to convey, she let Shi continue with his inept, ineffective and less than transparent leadership by pushing it all back on her.

It's too bad for all her points were of importance yet they should of been of importance when they came up and that was the time for her as a Board Member to speak up and out - not now, after it's all said and done.

Now, you can understand why I refer to this Board of Ed by many things and she just highlighted the aka, Board of Silence. They let Shi do what he wants, they don't Stop him, and then later on try and say they were against it.

Shame on You Ms. Moroney for trying to serve your own interests and not the public's interests. All you did was to Publicly demonstrate and highlight for all to see - Your Ineffectiveness as a Board Member. You don't deserve to be serving on the Board and let's hope that gets corrected the next time you're up for election.

Here's the meeting, watch it:

Anyhoo, Kudos to Dr. Frank for trying to bring some reality to this ridiculous attempt by the Board to  put on the ballot an ineffective and poorly thought out attempt to solve the overcrowding.

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