Thursday, October 22, 2020

2020 Edison Board of Ed's 'Fiscal Malfeasance' Award - goes to Super Dr. Bernie Bragen

Well, let's pretend you don't know where Mythomania Lane is over there at the junction of Dysfunction and Ridiculous Streets, and...

-that Super Dr. Bernie 'ShiReferen-DUMB-er' Bragen didn't endorse that idiotic, ill-conceived, opaque, piecemeal and overpriced $189.5m Money Grab, aka School Bond referendum - that according to their own numbers would of tripled what your school tax increase was for the next 30 years - before he was even hired. 

-that Super Dr. Bernie 'ShiReferen-DUMB-er' Bragen didn't become the face of the 2nd Bite of the Poison Apple above, aka School Bond Referendum - because he was trying to force on you something his buddy Jerry Shi couldn't sell.

-that Super Dr. Bernie 'Bloated 20-21 School Budget' Bragen didn't put together a Fiscal Year School Budget that produced a School tax increase that was 4.5 times higher than the previous Fiscal Year - during a Pandemic when many in town were without an income stream. 

-that Super Dr. Bernie '@edisonsupt Twitter Blocker' Bragen didn't block opposing or dissenting views on his Twitter comments about the School District.

-that Super Dr. 'EBoE's 2020 Fiscal Malfeasance Recipient' didn't look to feather his own nest during a Pandemic that has left many in town without an increase stream now and for the foreseeable future. Granted a 1-year extension by a School Board that was more interested in fighting their internal political battles than worrying about committing the Residents and Taxpayers to another $250k or so - for something that was totally unjustified and unnecessary now for someone who's only been on the job for 10 months of a 3 1/2 year contract.

So, Congratulation to Super Dr. Bernie 'Fiscal Malfeasance Recipient' Bragen on your forward thinking for first doing something to protect and benefit yourself. 

And a Big Congratulations to the Edison Board of Mythomania demonstrating they're willing to commit away your tax money for no logical or rational reason at all just to protect someone who hasn't been around long enough to even be subject to a fair and proper performance review.

Anyhoo, at least we're comforted in the knowledge that we hired a New Super who decided not to honor his 3-1/2 year contract he signed less than a year ago.

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