Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Top 10 Reasons You Gotta Like Extending Super Dr. Bernie 'ShiReferenDUMB-er' Bragen's 3 1/2 year Contract to 5 years

10. Because you like Rewarding someone making $245k with only 10 months on the job and hasn't even had an annual performance review yet.

9. Because you like 5 year contracts and the history of the Board of Ed's, arguably, misguided handling of Super Contracts - as evidenced by the previous Boards' handling of the Toth and O'Malley contracts.

8. Because you like Bragen's endorsement of that idiotic $189.5 million School Bond Referendum that would of tripled your current year's school tax increase for the next 30 years - before he was hired.

7. Because you like his transparency with his use of his @edisonsupt Twitter account where he can comment on the school district but blocks any opposing or differing views.

6. Because you like rushing this through before an election in less than a month where there will be at least 2 new Board Members and possibly 3.

5. Because you like rewarding employees before enough time has elapsed to be fairly assessed by the Board and it's Stakeholders.

4. Because you like how local politics has no impact on raising something up to importance which should be of little importance at this time.

3. Because you like there's no logical or persuasive argument the Board can make for taking such an action so early into a 3 1/2 contract.

2. Because you like how appreciative he is to get an opportunity of a lifetime but still wants more, or what, he's gonna leave.

1. Because you're not offended at all for the Board to suggest throwing another $370k or so the Super's way now when the Residents are suffering with this horrible Pandemic - many without any income stream now and for the foreseeable future.

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