Saturday, October 24, 2020

Wow, Choke on this ETEA 'Pandemic Relief Package' - courtesy of the Edison Board of 'Fiscal Malfeasance', aka Board of Mythomania!?!

You know, the Board passed this contract way back in July and it took 3 months to get a response to an OPRA Request to see the contract and the related costs that they've committed us to for the next 3-years.

Once you read them and look at the costs and see what the costs were and where they went, it's Not hard to see why they've been trying to keep what they did to the Residents & Taxpayers of Edison on the down-low. 

While you struggle to put food on the table and keep a roof over your head during this Pandemic, many without an income stream now and the foreseeable future - this bunch of taxpayer unfriend-lies were busy coming up with their own 'Pandemic Relief Package' - but it wasn't for you.

Now you can see what happens to YOU when there isn't anyone on the School Board who looks out for the Residents & Taxpayers. 

Giving away such an outrageous amount of money at this worst possible time clearly demonstrates this Board's Distain, Disrespect and Lack of Empathy for the only stakeholder they don't care about

                                                YOU, the TAXPAYER!

This 3-year ETEA contract runs from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2023. 

For both Certified & Non-Certified combined, they've given away an Outrageous $12.8 million or 10.1% over the 3-Years.

The Certified comes with increases over the 3-Years of $11.3m or 9.8% - and by Year, $3.9m or 3.4% for Year-1, $3.7m or 3.1% for Year-2 and $3.7m or 3% for Year-3.

The Non-Certified comes with increases of $1.5m over the 3-Years or 13.2% - and by Year, $.6m or 4.7% for Year-1, $.4m or 3.7% for Year-2 and $.5m or 4.3% for Year-3.

Increases in Year-1 range from 1.5% to 9.0%, from 1.2% to 5.7% in Year-2 and from 1.0% to 6.7% in Year-3.

Here's the Certified Agreement:

Here's the Non-Certified Agreement:

Anyhoo, you really need to Wake-up and Recognize that you can't have a School Board that treats the Stakeholder that pays all the bills like Crapola - and doesn't care.

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