Saturday, May 22, 2021

EdisPam I Am - a true sell-out of the People of Edison to advance his own political career

 Well, once again, another unsolicited flyer from the undemocratically hand-picked choice of the Dem-party powers that be - Sam 'the Weathervane Millennial' Joshi, aka Big-boy pants.

With nothing to offer that would remotely qualify him to be Mayor of this town - he cozies up to the Dem-party powers that be for his own political ambitions, as twisted as they may be.

Clearly, as you can see from his own flyer, he has no substantive background or accomplishments for his time on the Council. Wow - he voted No for the last two tax increases. Yeah, that helps when it doesn't change the outcome and besides, everyone does that if they want to run for higher office.

Ethics & Trust - almost 4 years and the 'Committee of the Hole' is still in search of themselves.

Against overdevelopment - sure, until his Dem-party Bosses start telling him what to do.

Being Vice-President is counted as Experience - he wouldn't of got it without Patil's help.

Life-long Democrat - so am I and his Democratic values are much more different than mine. I'm for the People of Edison, he's for the Dem-Party control of the power and money.

Anyhoo, don't be fooled by this ill-prepared and unqualified Mayor Wannabe - he's just a political opportunist with nothing to show for it who clearly has sold out the People of Edison for a chance to advance up the politically corrupt Dem-party ladder.

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