Thursday, May 6, 2021

Some more meaningless 'Spam' today from EdiSpam I Am - and the ridiculous-ness goes on

 Well, what can I say? Sam 'the Weathervane' Millennial' Joshi, aka Big-boy pants keeps sending me his campaign flyers with all his no where plans highlighted with his no result-oriented performance on the Council.

A Tool for the Status Quo - here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison - more of the same.

But hey, if you think this guy is capable of or even ready to be Mayor of this town, then you're kidding yourself. He's just a self-serving political opportunist and Not a political force for change - even though he thinks so in his own Big-boy pants politically ambitious world.

The guy has no record of substance to run on which is probably why his accomplishments on the Council are less than noteworthy and you have to question why he's even there.

The guy is all form - not substance. Don't you think we start to place substance over form with the candidates for office in this one-party town? Seems to me that we're long overdue for substance to prevail over form.

And a flyer with all his political endorsements just points out what everyone sees, except him - he'll just be the hand-picked Tool for the Dem-party's attempt to keep the power and control over all the money.

Seriously now, do you really think these people know how best to run Edison and that Joshi is the one to run it? 

Nah..they just do what every politician does in any political race - they endorse the party-line. In this case, the un-democratically selected hand-picked choice to keep the status quo.

So, I leave this message for this self-serving empty political vessel who thinks you can sell yourself with political flyers when everyone knows the truth:

Today You are You

That is Mr. Weathervane Millennial-ly True!

There is no one else who is You-er than You!

Voting for You is something No-one should do!

Anyhoo, seems to me that anyone seriously running for Mayor in this town should be able to demonstrate he's ill-prepared and incapable of being Mayor and hence, easily and expeditiously dispose of this opportunistic yet ill-equipped Mayor Wannabe.

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