Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Edison Mayor Lankey drops out of November Mayoral Race - must of vomited in his own mouth having to endorse Big-boy pants!?!

 Well, just saw this piece here in Patch.com about November's mayoral race here in Downtown Edison. 

Seems Mayor Lankey and his Council slate are dropping out of the November race and endorsing Sam 'the Weathervane Millennial' Joshi, aka Big-boy pants. 

That's too bad. Clearly, Big-boy pants is not in a league with Lankey or in any league that would qualify him to be mayor of a town the size of Edison.

Guess I can understand why Lankey didn't want to go against the powers that be in the Dem-party but geez, must of made him want to vomit to have to endorse Big-boy pants. 

Yeah, like Lankey really, really thinks Big-boy pants would make a good Mayor. 


Gotta feel for Lankey on this one. That's one no one should have to take for the Team!?!

Be that as it may, it will just make it easier to point out that this undemocratically hand-picked, ill-prepared and not even remotely qualified tool of the Democratic party is the wrong choice for Edison. 

As a result, this guy will be representing the Dem-party and Not the People of Edison and You will get more of the same, if not worse.

Seriously, haven't you had enough of the politically corrupt Dem-party that has made Edison Safe for Hypocrisy and taxed you to oblivion over the years? 

Haven't you had enough the one-party oligarchy going on over there at 100 Oligarchy Blvd? 

Haven't you had enough of Dem-party still in search of themselves with the 2017 Racist Flyer? 

Haven't you just had enough of everything one-party rule?

Not for nothing, the last 3 Dem Mayors have increased the Muni tax by some 85%, with Lankey up to 32.2% now over his eight years.

Time for a change and especially with the Dem-party's latest joke of a pick, this should be easy - we need to put an end to Dem-party rule here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison.

Anyhoo, I'm sure the other Mayoral candidates will easily point out how ill-prepared and equipped Big-boy pants is to be Mayor of a town the size of Edison.

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