Wednesday, August 11, 2021

It's the Silly season and all the Local Democrats are out in force - on both sides of town!

 Well, it's the silly season here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison. Some interesting things going on from both sides of town - that's at 312 Pierson Ave (at the crossroads of Dem-party infiltration and Dysfunctional Streets) and 100 Oligarchy Blvd.

Seems some of the 9 candidates in November for the 3 open spots on the Edison BoE have picked running mates:

Here's the latest groupings:

Pay attention to these groupings and do your research on the candidates.

With School budgets approaching some $300 million, the bulk of which comes from You - you want to make sure you elect candidates who will put an end to the inept leadership of Mr. Shi-shed, aka Jerry 'ReferenDumb' Shi. 

Just like his disastrous twice failed $300 million Bond referendums that were Too Much of a Financial Burden for Too Little a Solution that wasted two years failing to fix the Overcrowding - you don't want this guy and his Dem-party cohorts deciding where and how all that School money is $pent.

Now, on the other side of town, we have 2 November Mayoral candidates meeting up:

Christo challenging a mute Mr. Big-boy pants along the parade route and jumping in a picture at the Indian Day Parade (much to the chagrin of 'the Weathervane Millennial'). You have to admit it's pretty funny.

And who doesn't like Counciman Joe Coyle fist-pumping Mr. Big-boy pants - the very same Mr. Big-boy pants whose resignation from the 'Committee of the Hole' that he called for in a video of his own. Only in Edison can you see that there are no political friends or political enemies - just political opportunities.

Though that's a bit disingenuous Mr. Coyle. 

Bet you can't wait for the Mayoral debates with Mr. Big-boy pants (the undemocratically, hand-picked choice of the Democratic-party), Keith Hahn (the Independent), Councilman Richard Brescher, and Christo. 

No place for Mr. Big-boy pants to hide his lack of experience, a less than meaningful or substantial 4-year record on the Council and a clear lack of leadership ability required to manage a town the size of Edison. Tough being a 'Tool' of the Democratic party when you can't hide behind your Dem-party endorsements and you have to make a case you can't make when challenged.

Anyhoo, just another day in a Dem-party politically corrupt town where the only way for Democracy to work for the People of Edison is to Vote against Democrats in November.

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