Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Top 10 Some Reasons why People don't Support 'EdisPam I am' for Edison Mayor

 10. Because he needs to explain why he chose to be the Undemocratically selected, hand-picked "Tool' of the Powers that Be who sold out the People of Edison for a chance to climb up the politically corrupt Dem-party ladder.

9. Because Big-boy pants needs to explain why his Campaign Headquarters Campaign Sign is Sooo Big when his qualifications and his past record of insignificant performance for the office are Soooo Small.

8. Because EdisPam I am needs to explain why he's hiding in his basement and ducking real debates where he has to stand up and defend his record and explain his vision for Edison rather than just putting out glossy campaign flyers.

7. Because The Weathervane Millennial needs to explain with a straight face how a young, malleable marionette of the Powers that Be in the Dem-party can claim he'll be working for the People of Edison and Not the Dem-party.

6. Because EdisPam I am needs to explain why the 'Committee of the Hole' is Still in Search of Themselves after 4-years.

5. Because Big-boy pants needs to explain why he's dragging out former Mayor Ricigliano for support. She's done some good things for the People of Edison but EdisPam I am isn't one of them.

4. Because EdisPam I am, the self-proclaimed finance expert, needs to explain then why taxes increased outrageously under his participation with the one-party Dem-oligarchy rule.

3. Because The Weathervane Millennial needs to explain, based on his unsubstantial and insignificant performance on the Council, why he thinks he's even remotely qualified to lead and manage a town the size of Edison.

2. Because Big-boy pants really needs to explain why Joe 'the Florist' Coyle now endorses him while at the same time has a video out blasting him.

1. Sam 'The Weathervane Millennial' aka Big-boy pants really needs to actually put on a pair of Big-boy pants and go to those that picked him and ask the Chair of the MCDO if they paid for that despicable 'push-poll' that (with or without his knowledge) gutterly attempts to aid his campaign.

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