Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Well, here we go again in the never ending Dem-party internal power feud for control.

 Well, just saw this piece below about the recent results of the Edison Democratic Organizations (EDO) screening for the 4 Council spots up for election this year.

Now, never been much of a fan of the EDO but, not for nothing, what's the point of even having an EDO if they are going to be overruled every time the County doesn't agree with the results? Aren't all these 156 District Committee people elected by the People of Edison?

Didn't we have enough last year when the County stepped in and overruled the EDO's pick for Mayor by picking an ill-prepared and ill-qualified former Council member who sold out the People of Edison for a chance to climb up the politically corrupt Dem-party ladder? This guy brought nothing to the table from his non-performance time on the Council other than a lack of credibility and trustworthiness.

So, if I'm understanding this piece correctly, the County may again be considering running another slate and giving whoever they are the Party line?  

For what reason this time? 

Seems the reason for doing it last time was that the EDO ran people against the higher positions on the Party line. You can understand that's probably not something you want to do if you're looking for the Party line.

Surely, it can't be about this 2017 Racist flyer again. You now, the one where Bob 'See No Conflict' Diehl promised he wouldn't rest until they got to the bottom of it with their 'Committee of the Hole.' 

Something how that works. Five years later and Mr. Shrink-flation is now mayor making $150,000 and Bob 'See No Conflict' Diehl is his Chief-of-Staff making $100,000.

Seems getting to the bottom of this 2017 Racist flyer and resolution is a Democratic party problem since it still hasn't been resolved. They're the party in charge and seems their responsibility to make sure we get rid of the Stink & Stench that still lingers over this town.

So, who cares what ticket they pick in their on-going Dem-party power feud for control - what you should be asking is who do you want controlling what happens in this town, the County via a hand-picked Malleable Marionette or the People of Edison?

Isn't it bad enough that they're the party that has brought their power struggles to the worst place possible - across town over there to the Board of Mythomania, aka Board of EdDems, Board of Dysfunction, Board of Hoarders, Board of Education?

Anyhoo, there's never going to be a game-changer in this town until the People of Edison decide to take back control from the Dem-party and put it back in their hands where it belongs.

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