Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Edison Dem-party infested Board of Ed-Dems shows their true colors with a Ridiculous Resolution

 Well, just watched last night's Board of Mythomania's, aka Board of Hoarders, Board of Ed-Dems, Board of Dysfunction and couldn't believe the stupidity that goes on with that Board.

Seems they've decided to put up a Resolution for a vote suggesting that the Malleable Marionette and his Council team should cut their muni tax levy to Zero  just like them. 

Now, clearly I'm not a fan of Mr. Shrink-flation's stewardship or his Ridiculous $170.2 million Mun-budget that comes with a Muni tax hike of almost 3% but this clearly shows you how politicized the Board has become.

Here's the Resolution:

And here's the vote - can you tell who's on the Joshi/County team and who's Not?:

Not for nothing but always thought you could only abstain if you didn't have enough information to vote or you had a conflict - looks like they all had enough information. Go figure.

Here's a note I just sent to Dr. Aldarelli:

'Always thought the Board of Education was supposed to be an autonomous body and to quote former ETEA President Emil Ferlicchi supposed to be ‘All about the Kids.’

Seems it’s Not all about the Kids but all about which side of the Edison Dem-party politics that the Board Members come down on. 

It’s not only disingenuous for the Board President Peng to push forth such a resolution but highlights their hypocrisy. It crosses the line of what we should expect from an autonomous Edison Board of Education and good to see it failed. 

If Board Members, as individuals, want to express their opinion on the Muni tax hike, then they should go the Council meeting and express their opinion. 

Not for nothing but we’re talking about a Board that has hoarded millions of taxpayer dollars for years, had an opportunity, with NJDoE approval, to reduce the 2022-23 School tax levy by $3 million but didn’t and just received some $73.5 million in state-aid for the 2023-24 school year, which was up $25.9 million or 44% over last year yet only holding the school tax levy flat, and still didn’t reduce the school tax levy - just increasing the $pending by some $51 million. The reduction in the school tax rate of $1.3-cents from $3.197 to $3.184 was solely due to the increase in the Rateables and not any decrease in $pending.

Claiming credit for holding the school tax levy is disingenuous at best when the school levy should have and could have been reduced for the last 3 years. 

Combing one hypocrisy with another - that $100 million piecemeal plan to fix the overcrowding will not fix the overcrowding but just waste more time and money, as evidenced by actual costs coming in that far exceed the costs used in that dubious plan the Board adopted. Throw in lease purchase agreements which by-pass the voters on capital additions and forgo state-aid for renovations and new additions, then you have a Board that has a demonstrated inability to spend the money the right way.

Seems someone should of pointed out to the Board President that this probably wasn’t such a good idea but clearly points out how Dem-party infested this Board has become at the expense of all the Kids & taxpayers. 

The Edison Board of Ed should concentrate on educating not pontificating outside their area of responsibility especially when they put you in an untenable position as leader of the School District.'

Here's the excerpt from last night's meeting on the Resolution starting at 24:05:

Anyhoo, it's time you woke-up and recognized how dysfunctional and politicized the Board of Ed has become with their internal Dem-party power struggles to control all that money - and obviously necessary to Vote These People Out as soon as they come up for reelection.

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