Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Well, this is kind of amusing so let's play along

 Wouldn't you know after questioning what the rates used in the 3rd Qtr Estimated tax bill and not getting a response and writing the post below - got a response today.

Here it is:

Now, let's ignore that it doesn't say it came from the tax collector's office. After seeing this, even more convinced that something's really wrong here.

Now, not for nothing, but if you believe these numbers then you'd have to believe that the Muni-budget that was introduced before this estimate was at $1.441, which was already up by 3.9-cents or 2.79% - is now $1.453 up 5.1-cents or 3.6%? Good luck with that fairytale.

Here's what most likely is closer to what was used in the original estimate:

Why is this important - the total property tax rate is $5.923 no matter the make up of the individual tax rates?

It's simple - because it looks like the $5.923 is too high by approximately 7/10ths of a penny. And a 7/10ths of a penny overstatement will erroneously bring in approximately $516,000 into the township coffers if not corrected.

These are the numbers they say they used in the estimate, which is questionable at best but, like I said before, it's easy enough to see if they're telling the truth with these numbers when they come out with the Final 2023/Prelim 2024 tax bills for November. 

Anyhoo, pay attention, it's your money.

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