Friday, September 29, 2023

ETEA - 2023 BOE Candidates Night - Battle of Competing Dems

 Well, looks like there were only two slates left competing for the 3 open spots on the Edison Board of Mythomania, aka Board of EdDems, Board of Dysfunction, Board of Hoarders.

You have Mayor Sam 'The Big Lie' Joshi, aka Mr. Shrink-flation, Big-boy pants, the Weathervane Millennial,, the Event Planner and Sam the Flim-flam Man supporting the Ginny White slate and the Local Dems supporting the Jerry 'ReferenDumb' Shi, aka Mr. Shi-shed slate.

It's a good thing that the School Board is an autonomous body not infested by politically corrupt Dem-party politics. Sure, it's all about the Kids and Not control over the $350+ million up for grabs.

And you thought moving the School Board elections to November was a good idea while giving up your right to Vote on Out-of-Control $pending School Budgets. You get more turn-out alright.

As ridiculous as that may be, hard to believe that someone could lie about their record more than Mr. Shrink-flation but give it up for Mr. Shi-shed at last night's Candidates Night. For someone seeking a fourth term with a dismal 9-year record and the sole reason why, under his inept leadership, Overcrowding is still a major problem, you'd think he stick his head in the sand and step away. 

Over his 9 year term, the school tax rate went up 45.1-cents or 16.5% and the school tax levy increased by some $42 million or 22% and he was Board President a few times along the way. His charming dictatorial demeanor (as you can see with some of his answers) is really helpful in solving problems and moving the School District forward.

And let's not even  mention the 'Cheap-shots' he was taking at a former running mate in his last bid for the Board. Apparently, it was no problem when he ran with her the last time. Such a 'Class Act' - Not.

The only Vote for Mr. Shi-shed should be for Forced Retirement.

Funny though how when School budget questions came up, no one questioned why there was a discrepancy between the 2023 School Budget tax rate and the School tax rate on the last tax bill (see the post below). Seems an erroneous $500,000 being added to the School tax portion of the property tax bills should of caught someone's attention running for the School Board.

Here's the video of Candidates Night:

Anyhoo, recognize in the battle for Dem-party control over Mythomania Lane that no matter who wins this election, the town loses in this cycle but at least do yourself and the town a favor and show Mr. Shi-shed the door.

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