Saturday, September 2, 2023

Upcoming Local elections in Edison

You know, when I look at the bigger picture in town and these upcoming Council & BoE elections on November 7th, can't help but conclude that nothing much will change, no matter who wins in this cycle. Nothing against the candidates, just as the bigger picture looks to be unfolding.

Given that, if it doesn't matter to me who wins, then it doesn't make much sense (or fair to you) for me to bore or waste your time commenting about this and that up to the election.

So, I'll spare doing that to you in this election cycle. 

Now, don't get me wrong. That's just me. 

It's important that everyone gets out and votes. 

Take the time to check out all the candidates and vote for those people who you believe will best represent what's important to you, no matter what that is.

As for me, I'll stick with my usual "No Confidence' vote for incumbents as they come up for reelection.

Anyhoo, there may be some hopefuls for the future in the mix, see if you can find them as you check out all the candidates.

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