Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Edison 3rd Quarter Property Tax Bills are out - Estimated, of course!

Well, it 's almost the end of June 2019 and, of course, there still isn't any 2019 Muni Budget . So we get these estimated thingies that no one can understand - just a bill to pay without any explanation of how much of an increase is built into this amount you have to pay by August 1, 2019.

Not for nothing but with half the year almost over, if they wait any longer to come up with a Muni-Budget - we won't need a budget, we'll have the actual numbers for the year. But hey, look at it this way - it makes it easier for them, they only have to budget for 6 months instead of 12 months.

But they do this to us every year so let's move on.

Looks like they used a Property Tax Rate of $5.593 (per $100) in this estimate. That's up 10.1-Cents or 1.8% over 2018 Property Tax Rate of $5.492. This is the Total Property Tax Rate which includes Muni, County, School and Garbage Taxes.

Don't know all the details by taxing entity as yet but as soon as they are available, I will put them up here. You can see the 2019 School Budget tax increase in a previous post.

Here's something that may help you see Your Tax increase built into this 2019 Estimated 3rd Quarter Tax Bill.

Recognize these numbers could change based upon the completion of the 2019 Muni-Budget.

Anyhoo, bet you can't wait to see where Mayor Tom 'Now 17.1% but Won't Debate' ChoiLankey takes that 17.1% and where Charlie 'I Abstain' Tomaro aka.. Deputy Dog takes those ever increasing County taxes.

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