Thursday, June 20, 2019

Señor Lankey's now backing the 'Fake Democrats' - and they're letting him?!?

Can you Smell the Stench of Hypocrisy?

Well, I get that there are No Political Friends and No Political Enemies, just Political Opportunities but you just gotta shake your head at this one here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison.

Mayor Tom 'Now 17.1% but Won't Debate' ChoiLankey went against the Democratic Party Line and backed the 'Real Democrats' (Lombardi & Sendelsky etc.) in the Primary election so now he's backing the Fake Democrats in the General election. Kind of puts his credibility and relevance in question now, wouldn't you say?

You can't make this stuff up!

Geez, I don't know but with the $851m Suez Sewer & Water Deal flying around, the arguably bogus Committee of the Whole thingie playing out, taxes out the kazoo, overcrowding being mishandled and the Stench still Hanging over our Town from that 2017 political flyer - you just gotta ask yourself, what the hell are Coyle, Patil, Brescher and Ship-Freeman thinking?

For sure Lankey is trying to salvage his political life but why are those four playing his game? If they're really for change, then why are they hooking up with the very person whose stewardship they claim to so despise?

Where I come from that's called HYPOCRISY and it's why the Local Democratic Party has and continues to make Edison Safe for Hypocrisy - no matter who they put on the ticket.

What? You think The Local Democratic Party is coming together now? That's a Hoot!

Are these people willing to put everything that's been going on in this town aside just to win? And really, they can take that argument that you have to win first before you can make changes and shove it. You know who used that bogus argument? Former Mayor Jun 'RForMe' Choi and look how well that worked out for us.

So, to my friends on this fundraiser ticket - Shame on You for doing what you're doing here.

Anyhoo, you'd have to be dead from the neck up to ever vote for any Local Democrat in this upcoming General election - unless, of course, you don't mind being played for fools.

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