Wednesday, February 19, 2020

'7 Processing Clerks' get to Vote themselves a 50% Salary Hike Monday Night - DUH!?!

Well, looks like the '7 Processing Clerks' get to Vote to give themselves a 50% Salary Hike at next Mondays Combined Council meeting - a day before Mayor Tom 'Now 21.95% but Won't Debate' ChoiLankey's State of the Township address.

Geez, you wonder what will they do - what will they do?

You have to admit, it's well deserved with their outstanding demonstration of Checks & Balances over Señor Lankey's oligarchy stewardship for the last 6 years:

You also have to admit that it's some record when you adopt every single Muni-tax increase Señor Lankey ever proposed without finding a single penny to cut. Hey, that's hard work raising Muni-taxes 21.95% and not seeing anything to change before you adopt the Muni-budget.

You also have to admit that's it's some record for that 'Committee of the Whole' in search of themselves to be still chasing down that Racist Flyer two years later. Hey, that's hard work to be looking that foolish for so long and not care.

Committee of the Hole:

You also have to admit that it was quite a feat to hide Señor Lankey's 4.15% Muni-tax hike that quietly showed up in your 4th qtr. tax bills. Hey, that's hard work ambushing the People of Edison for what was supposed to be a 1.3% tax hike but waiting until after the election, of course.

Finally, you also have to admit that we don't want to diminish Councilman Sam 'the Weathervane Millennial' Joshi's dreams of being just like this when he grows up and puts his Big-boy pants on:

But hey, it least we're comforted in the knowledge that there's still enough time for Joshi to see which way the wind is blowing before the Vote on Monday Night!

Anyhoo, you get the type of governance you deserve here in the 'DemBadLands' over there at 100 Oligarchy Blvd.! Enjoy it.

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