Monday, February 17, 2020

To the Board of Mythomania's 'Captive Audience': Don't be fooled by their chicanery, You deserve a Better Plan that this! Vote NO on March 10th!

Well, looks like the district schools and website are being bombarded with a bunch of literature about the March 10th 2nd Bite of the apple.

Don't be fooled. It's the same idiotic, ill-conceived, opaque, piecemeal and overpriced $189.5m Money Grab plan (minus a few meaningless bucks) that was Voted down on December 10th.

Here, take a look at this tear-jerker on their website:

Geez, really - they ask what your child's education is worth? They apparently already know over there at the intersection of Mythomania Lane and Disfunction Junction.

But You should know that it's Too Much of a Financial Burden for Too Little a Solution! Don't drink the Kool-aid - the only Return on this 'Investment in the Kids' will be Your Naiveté to Shi and his band of architects. You need to make them come up with something reasonable, practical and affordable that actually moves towards solving the overcrowding problem.

And let's not forget New Super Dr. Bernie 'ShiReferenDumb-er' Bragen's contribution after his thorough and exhausting review, I'm sure:

Yup - there's $245k worth of help:

Further, looks like the Board isn't satisfied with just trying to triple what you paid in school taxes last year for the next 30 years with this ridiculous bond referendum, now they're saying that they're going to dip into the Banked Cap with this year's school budget.

What that means is they're going to raise your school taxes some more and above the 2% Cap and wait, it gets better and even more insulting, for Overcrowding.

Anyhoo, just Remember to Vote NO again on March 10th and be aware that the Voting hours are now shortened to 12:00PM to 8:00PM.

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