Monday, February 24, 2020

Just a Heads-up about Super Dr. Bernie 'ShiReferen-DUMB-ER' Bragen

Well, if you follow New Super Bragen's @edisonsupt twitter account - Beware!

Apparently, if you disagree with or challenge any of his tweets he puts out about the school district and his leadership thereof, this is what happens to you:

Now, you really have to ask yourself - if he's allowed to use an @edisonsupt twitter handle and make public comments about the school district, then why are replies to his tweets that challenge and/or offer a different opinion being Blocked?

Is he just a Twitter Blocker?:

Is this what $245k gets you?

Seems a tad bit unfair that he can make any public statements he wants about the school district using the @edisonsupt twitter handle, yet there can be no public replies to his tweets unless they agree with his message. Not exactly what you call school district transparency.

Don't really care what he says in his personal twitter account but when he ties it to the school district, then he's speaking as the Super of the Edison School District.

Seems his position is that it's his Twitter account and says 'My twitter account with the handle @edisonsupt is used to promote the messages that I believe best serve the mission of the school district and my leadership of it. I control that and do not allow anyone on my platform to take away from that message, and I have a right to do so.'

Maybe he does or maybe he doesn't but it's certainly not good for the school district or his leadership to Block any comments from the People of Edison just because they may not agree with or offer a different opinion about the school district or his leadership than what he is putting out in the public.

So, what's the School Board's position on Dr. Bragen using the @edisonsupt twitter handle and Blocking any replies that don't agree with his message he's putting out in the public?

I don't know but I asked them. When they tell me what it is, I'll pass it along.

Anyhoo, if you follow @edisonsupt and said anything that differs from his message or anything about his leadership, then you better check your twitter account.

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