Saturday, June 22, 2024

Bubble-boy's $175.9m Ridiculous 2024 budget - When you control the votes, you control how the game is played and the ultimate outcome

 Well, it's not Bubble-boy who controls anything, he's just an inexperienced, immature, insecure political neophyte with no discipline who comes with a demonstrated lack of credibility, trustworthiness and a strong anomaly with the truth - he's just a 'tool' for the powers that be who protect him until they're done using his naivety and kick him to the curb in January 2025.

Clearly, they have the majority of the Council providing the 'Bubble' in which he can hide. The Council under the last 3 Council Presidents have hindered the Public's attempts to get information with their ridiculous rules on how you can ask questions, how you'll get answers and even what you can say - all under the guise of 'decorum' and time.

And that's nothing compared to their treatment of Council Members who don't exactly agree with what Bubble-boy is doing and want to ask questions.

Take, for example, this latest effort to block any Vetting of this $175.9m budget (which really isn't a budget - just a big bag of money they're trying real hard to not let you know how they're going to spend it) that's wrought with out-of-control spending.

Bubble-boy knows he has the votes for the budget to pass on June 26, 2024 but they Rigged his Budget Presentation to limit his exposure. They moved the Budget Presentation to one-hour before a Council work session (from a date which was solely for his presentation), didn't give Council Members the budget books to properly vet this budget until the day of the meeting and then only give Council Members 5-minutes each to ask questions.

Now, guess who went along with that bogus plan to Prevent that $175.9m Budget (that comes with another Muni-tax increase of 2.5%) from being Vetted by the Council and the Public:

Well, what can you say about these Bubble-boy loving Council Presidents - Poyner acts like he's afraid of his own shadow, Coyle acts like, well, Coyle and Patel acts upset during meetings when he realizes his best work comes when he stays home for the meetings.

So, the fix is in and the budget will pass on Wednesday but don't you get the feeling yet that you're not important or a concern in a process that uses your money - when they'll do something like this right in front of your face?

Anyhoo, Wake-up and recognize that you'll never beat those who control how the game is played - you have to use the game against them - and recognize that Wards is the only possible way you can keep incompetents from running this town and using all your money to do it to boot.

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