Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Oh boy.. I'll bet the suspense over whether the Council will Pass his Ridiculous $175.9m Bogus budget for 2024 is overwhelming for Bubble-boy!

 Well, you really gotta feel for Mayor Sam 'the Big Lie' Joshi, aka Mr. Shrink-flation, Big-boy pants, the Weathervane Millennial, the Malleable Marionette, the Event Planner, Sam the Film-flam Man, the Emperor Has No Clothes, the Debt-a-Nator, Mr. Swiper and Bubble-boy - as he sits and waits in anxious anticipation of the Council's Vote on his Overtaxed Muni-budget for 2024 tomorrow night.

It's not like he knows how the Vote is going to go.

Anyhoo, elections have consequences and you get the type of governance you deserve.

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