Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Well, 1 Ridiculous $175.9m Muni-budget for 2024 - that comes with 3 different Headcount Schedules?!?

 Well, it's not surprising with all the bogus numbers in this 2024 Muni-budget, that nonsense like this happens.

First we have the 2024 budget itself, which has this schedule showing 633 heads with no details by Department:

Then we have what I'm told is what Mr. Shrink-flation Presented as part of his 2024 Budget Presentation last night:

And finally, we have that they finally sent in Response to my OPRA Request for the number of employees by department for the 2024 Introduced Budget and the 2023 Adopted budget - which, when you look at it  is total nonsense since the detail doesn't even add up to summary in this package. Looks like a hodgepodge schedule put together from different sources. 

But it is what it is and what they want me to believe is correct:

For 2024

For 2023

Anyhoo, a bogus budget with bogus games like this that hides what they're really doing while raising the Local Tax Levy by 3.12% and taking the Local tax rate up to 1.477, which is up 3.6-cents over last year's 1.441.

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