Sunday, September 8, 2024

Edson Council Looking to Reduce Public Speaking Time - Again

Well, seems at Monday's meeting there proposing O.2233-2024 to reduce speaking time from 6 minutes down to 4 minutes - to be voted on at the September 25th meeting.

Here watch this video:

Another Ridiculous attempt to reduce any query into the inept stewardship of 'Bubble-boy' down to 4 minutes before Council President Nish 'Choo-choo' Patel, aka 'Don't Let Brescher Speak Patel' has you escorted out by the police.

Enough with this nonsense and this disgrace of a Council President - what the Council needs to do is to Remove Nish Patel as Council President and side with the People of Edison, you know the People they actually work for and who pay their salaries.

Anyhoo, you get what you vote for in this politically corrupt town but nobody should have put up with Council President Nish Patel's outrageous conduct in the Council Chambers just to try and hide and protect the  incompetent governance going on here.

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