Sunday, September 1, 2024

Welcome to another Big Month under an Inept Mayoral Stewardship and a Politically-Corrupt Board of Ed-Dems

Well, it's hard to Not see this past month how quickly this town has gone down the sewer on both sides of town.

Over there on Oligarchly Blvd., who can Not See how the Council Chambers has turned into a place to go to See Free Speech and Public Scrutiny of a Non-Transparent Administration turn into a quasi-Police state to protect an Inept Stewardship by his 'Pocket Council?'

And let's not forget the Root cause of this unacceptable treatment of the Residents/taxpayers:

Over there on Pierson Ave. at the cross-roads of Mythomania & Dysfunction Streets we have this bit of unsavory practice going on with the School Board sneaking in a 1-year extension ambush to the Super's Contract without any Public Notice. 

And wait, there's more going on with this Politically-Corrupt Board of Ed-Dems. Check out this 5-year Strategic Plan which is about as much a political fairy-tale, as evidenced by their selection of Political Advisors, as is 'Mr. Shi-shed' & 'Mr. Hospitality' thinking their Inept Leaderships and on-going hissy-fits with each other warrant another term on the School Board - and let's not even get into how much this 5-year Strategic Plan must of cost to put together:

Anyhoo, it's another month where the norm is to Shut-out the Public from the incompetent governance going on in this town.

Welcome to Edison - Where You Go to See Free Speech Die and Let's Not Forget the Permanent Home of the 2017 Racist Flyer.

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