Saturday, September 7, 2024

This is another Boe election cycle - let's try and keep it out of Gutter over there on Mythomania Lane

You know, I'm all for anyone supporting whoever or whatever they want in this politically-corrupt town. What I'm not for is what seems to be the norm now - the sleazy political tactics and cheap-shots used just to try and win elections.

All these Incumbents and former Board members have records you can check out for yourself and decide which candidate represents what you want to see on the School Board.

I tell you all the time what I think we need and the reasons why:

And this year is no different.

However, seems some people have an issue with my being friends with one of the candidates - Ralph Errico. They think that I would be biased in his favor, which is totally untrue. I know his history on the School Board and I'm aware why he stepped away from the Board back in 2020. I don't have a problem with that he did and I understand the reasons why, he wasn't the only person in this town that did the same thing for the same reasons.

So, let me be clear - he is my friend and has been for many years and that will not change. Sorry, if that disappoints anyone.

And, just so you know, when he was on the Board I didn't cut him any slack, he probably didn't appreciate all the times I was all over him for the Ridiculous $pending and the Serious-flak I gave him for $pending $1.5m on that EHS Baseball-field. Told him for that Ridiculous price, we should of gotten a major refund for the Ugliest Color Red Ever Created - You have to Wear Sun-glasses Every Time you drive by it, it's so Blindingly-Offensive.

Do your own research and Check out everyone's records running for the Board in this cycle and then Vote for who you want. I don't care who you're friends with or why you vote the way you do. It's Your Vote, do what you think is best however you define it - but don't do it based upon cheap-shots and sleezy political campaign tactics going around town now. 

That's what I do and if the only choice for me in this cycle is between Schneider, Rivera, Shi (who turned this School Board into a political-cesspool) or Errico, I'll take Errico every time.

Anyhoo, use to be a time when people could treat other people with respect regardless of their political preferences and choices but that's been long lost in this town.

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