Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Pat attention to what's going on over there on Mythomania Lane on September 30th

 Well, looks like the Board of Mythomania, aka Board of Ed-Dems, Board of Hoarders, Board of Dysfunction and now Board of Unsavory Actions are up to their usual nonsense again.

According to their meeting schedule published on their website, the September Public Meeting will have the $36 million J Marshall Lease/Purchase Financing and the Super's 1-Year Contract Extension up for vote.

Let's start with the Super's 1-Year Contract Extension. Thanks to this sorry excuse of a Board Member. 

Thanks to this guy trying to pass that 1-year extension in a Caucus Meeting without Public Notice and No disclosure of what the Cost and terms would be or even if the Super agreed to the terms, they have to do a 'Mulligan' at the September 30th Public Meeting. 

Apparently, Brian 'the Mulligan Man' Rivera doesn't know that you can't do that without a Public notice or he's trying salvage his reelection after Not supporting the Super to be appointed Super.

As for the Super's 1-year Contract Extension at this time, it's purely political and totally not necessary at this time. The Super's current contract is for 4-Years and 10.5 months and runs from August 16, 2023 through June 30, 2028. This contract with Salary & Perks, according to their website, goes from $387,557 for 2023-24 to $426,274 for 2027-28

Why would they want to extend his contract now when he's only 1-Year into his almost 5-Year Current Contract. Their excuse is the 5-Year Strategic Plan, which is about a bogus and far-fetched as they are. Even if you buy into that fairytale, wouldn't you want to see how the plan works out over the next year or two before you commit to another year?

There's no valid reason since it's way too early to be talking about an extension.

Of course, this is what's wrong with this Board - there's No Financial Oversight:

Let's move on to that J Marshall $36 million Lease/Purchase Financing without any disclosure of what the construction and financing costs are before the vote. Of course, it's always important to ask how something they originally estimated to cost $30 million or so is now up to $36 million - as they continue to piss money away on these piecemeal projects that won't solve the overcrowding.

You know Lease/Purchase projects are the Worst. You get No State Aid and it bypasses any Voter approval for Capital additions.

So, what are the construction and financing costs they used to come up with $36 million and what that 1-Year Super Contract Extension will Cost? Your guess is as good as mine but let's see if we can get those documents through OPRA. The Board may not care or understand what they're exactly voting on but the Public needs to know.

Anyhoo, this Board is so desperate to hide their unsavory actions and avoid answering questions that they've eliminated all Caucus Meeting for the balance of the year. Think about what that means for a second or two.

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