Thursday, October 3, 2019

Continuation of the Edison Committee of the Whole - still in search of themselves!?!

Well, look who finally showed up after 3 subpoenas- Sgt. Shultz, aka Jerry 'Needs to Step-down' Shi, the inept leader of the Edison Board of Mythomania.

Seems after claiming 4 of the Council Members had conflicts of interest and he wouldn't take questions from any of them and then reading an opening statement, while pointing to his own documents, that apparently no one else had a chance to see until the day of the meeting - it was just an I don't know, I don't remember etc., etc., etc.

Not for nothing but I thought it odd that he would include in his opening statement about the racist flier what a great job he was doing over there on Mythomania Lane. Seems the meeting was to find out what he knew about the flier and not what he claims to of done over there as leader of the Board of Mythomania.

But he did, so let's talk about his claims to fame.

Seems he's claiming that he $aved Millions through the elimination of waste, inefficiency and overcharging by vendors and that he has a plan to fix the overcrowding and bring back full-day kindergarten.

First thing you need to understand is that the Board of Education Never Saves Anything. They just repurpose. If they reduce one bloated expense, they just add it to another bloated expense. Nothing goes back to the taxpayer. 

In order to have a Savings, you would have to see a reduction in Your School Tax bill - and as long as I've lived in this town, the School Tax bills only went one way - Up every year.  Just typical Board of Education misdirection and misinformation for the uninformed. 

They Never Save Anything. They just Hoard Your Tax Relief Money and use it to increase their Bloated and Out-of-Control $pending year after year.

Second, under the inept and misguided leadership of Jerry Shi, they just put out this Most Ridiculous, ill-conceived, Grossly Overpriced, Opaque and ill-timed $189.5m Bond Referendum that Shi and his band of architects came up with all by their lonesome and without a full time Super in place. 

As it stands now, if you approve this $189.5m with a total gross cost of $312.8m on December 10th - You will be approving a $269,164,093 School Tax Levy which will triple what your school tax increase was this year, for the next 30 years. It's insanity run amok on the uninformed.

It's just a $189.5m Money Grab!

While Mr. Shi and his Board of Silence may try to keep you in the dark about what they're doing over there on Mythomania Lane, aren't you tired by now of all the waste and inefficiency and opaque transparancy over there and being treated as nothing more than a cash cow for a Board where no one has a seat at the table for decision-making purposes that represents the resident/taxpayers? 

You should be.

But I digress, so let's move on.

The Stench of that Racist Flier Still Lingers Over this Town after two years and the only way You're going to get rid of it is to get rid of all those elected officials on both sides of town at election time.

Here's the live streaming of the meeting - credit to Jerry Shine:

Anyhoo, jokes on you until You recognize You're being played by those who supposedly represent You.

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