Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Geez, hasn't this town been disgraced enough - have we totally lost all sense of decency in Edison?!?

You know, if you live in this town and you see how bad the twisted politics have placed and left a lingering Stench Hanging over it and you see the vicious anonymous personal attacks on people simply because they decided to run for public office - then you have to ask yourself, where has the decency gone in Edison?

It happens all the time in this one-party town and since the Board of Ed elections were moved to November, it has now permeated those elections too.

After two years since the racist flyer, we're still in search of ourselves and how can that be? How can it be that even before we get any answers to that paradox wrapped in an enigma, the Edison Democrats decided to create some more havoc by endorsing Board President Shi's team for the Board of Ed on their website and then mysteriously taking it down when it was spotted?

Now, I'm specifically speaking of the anonymous attacks on Board of Ed candidate Anthony De Amorin - at both the ETEA Candidates Night and the recent Meet & Greet at Woodbrook.

Whether you support Mr. De Amorin's candidacy or not, he deserves to be treated with the same respect any other candidate enjoys and not be singled out for character assisination without being able to confront and engage those who wish to oppose his candidacy.

Seems if someone has a problem with his candidacy, then they should look him in the eye and say to his face why they don't support him and give him a chance to respond and not do it as an unknown coward behind his back.

That's what decent, honest and fair people would do and which are the majority here in Edison.

This is just disgusting and I would suggest to Mr. De Amorin to ignore those cowardly few who can only attack you in absentia and not to your face.

There are enough good people in this town who see through this nonsense and will not support these type of attacks on one of our fellow citizens and will defend your right to run for a seat on the Board of Ed - even if you're not the candidate of their choice.

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