Thursday, October 24, 2019

Do yourself a favor and go to the Board of Mythomania's New PR website designed for the 'Captive audience' - and then, have a good laugh!?!

Well, I've just been told that the Board of Mythomania have finally put out information here they've been sitting on since July on that Idiotic, ill-conceived, Opaque, Piecemeal and Overpriced $189.5m Money Grab, aka School Bond Referendum.

You know I get that they have to put the facts in a light most favorable to themselves but they Spin this thingie so much - they make themselves dizzy.

This thing leaves out a whole bunch of things about how expensive this thingie really is, what it costs with the financing costs and the ridiculous cost per sq ft for all the elements of all the schools - and let's not even talk about the 'other allowable costs' - to name a few things.

But hey, it's only $18.67 a month they say - yeah, but they don't finish the calculation, that's $224.04 a year (12.47-Cents) on top of your normal school budget tax increase - basically tripling whatever your school tax increase was this year for the next 30 years. And that's if you live in that imaginary home assessed at $179,600.

Since they provided no calculator for You to see what it will cost You who don't live in that imaginary home - take your home's assessed value divided by 100 and multiply it by .1247. If you drop me a note I will forward you the calculator below so You can see how all their numbers will impact You.

Who in their right mind would agree to something like this for something so inept for such a long period of time?

You know what they say, you can put Lipstick on a Pig but a Pig is Still a Pig.

Take the time to got through this fairytale they want you to see but come back to this blog when your done and see all their numbers you need to know that they're not showing you.

Moral of this story - Vote this Ridiculous thing down on December 10th and force them to postpone the hiring of a New Super until next year and have the New Super be involved in coming up with a more reasonable and practical plan.

It's not reasonable to ask the People of Edison to go along with something that will triple what their school tax increase was this year for the next 30 years.

It's also not reasonable to let Jerry 'Needs to Step-Down' Shi and his band of architects to determine what's needed to fix the overcrowding and purposely doing so without a full time Super.

It's also not reasonable for them to come out now and ask for questions from you at the 12th hour for something you never had a say in from the beginning and can't change no matter what your questions may be. Your input now doesn't matter , it's on the ballot - it's just a dog & pony show for them. So don't waste your time. Just Vote it down and force them back to redo something reasonable and practical that makes more sense and doesn't require tripling you current year's school tax increase for the next 30 years.

It's also not reasonable to believe they won't $pend all the Money once they have their hands on it for this thing - so don't buy into that bunch of boloney that they'll return it. They're Hoarders, $penders and Repurposers.

Anyhoo, think of it this way - they're throwing stuff up against the wall to see if it sticks - remember, they budgeted for 3 attempts to see what sticks.


  1. well ,i can always respect someones opinion even when it differs from mine. but like you say facts are facts. So i will respect your opinion on some of it but i must correct a misleading statement, you say"It's also not reasonable to believe they won't $pend all the Money " well the BOE received a additional 1.4 million one year and gave that back to the public because they did not have a use for it, and you even thanked the BOE in the way you do. The BOE is allowed to raise taxes by 2% a year and for every dime they do not they can put it in a bank cap , i believe the BOE has stayed under that cap by close to 10 million over the last few years. so if the BOE returned unneeded extra money and has not taken every dime that they could ,how can you make a statement implying that all of the bond money will be spent.Just a question i always value your opinion mr B

  2. It will be. I recall they did once return that $1.4m but that was a while ago and a one-time off thing. If you look at how they handle all the extra aid that comes in after they strike the tax rate, if you look at how they stick taxpayer relief money in the capital reserves, you'd see differently. As for the 2%, they have a bank cap and they use it and remember that if you increase a bloated budget every year by 2%, you increase the bloat exponentially. Ask yourself why they continue to play Staffing 'Shell Game' every year and how they were able to hire hundreds of non-budgeted heads over the years and hide it from you in their budgets. Ask yourself where that money comes from? Sorry, but I'd have to respectfully disagree with you if you think you can trust them returning anything. They' $penders, Hoarders and Re-purposers. Just like they like to claim they saved millions. They saved nothing - it just gets repurposed to another bloated budget line.

  3. I understand, i would disagree about staff shell game,the budget gets put together in march based on X amount of students and Y amount of staff ,come September enrollment you find X plus so reason would say someone needs to educate those addisional students.correct?

  4. No, sorry the 'Staffing Shell Game' is real. It has to do with what they show as the prior year's numbers in the current year's budget. Please check out the 'Staffing Shell Game' posts in the blog and I actually show you how they do it. Of course I agree with you that the staffing has to be fluid and should be, it's just that they hire additional staff and because of how they put together the budgets, you don't see it and they don't disclose it in the budgets they give out the public. That's all. Before they ask to hire say 10 more people in their budget that tho show you, I'd want to know that they already hired say 8 that they don't show you. See what I mean?
